Tuesday, June 30, 2015

eight years

 Today is our eighth anniversary, and for once, I can confidently say it: this was the best year yet.

I was reading back through my anniversary posts from years past, and I am so thankful to not be wandering in those confusing, painful seasons anymore. Maybe more days like that will come. Probably more days like that will come.

This time around, though, I know that we can get through it. We can make it through anything. Year eight was the Promised Land after all the years of wandering. Finally, the "for better."

Thank you Jesus for a taste of glory.

During year eight, I fell in love with Matt a thousand times over as I watched him fall in love with our daughter. I can't imagine an earthly joy that compares to watching him be a daddy.

On our walk yesterday, I commented that year eight was the best yet. He replied that the next one, year nine, would be even better.

How?, I asked. We already have Millie. How could it possibly be any better?

He actually couldn't think of anything concrete, because clearly I was right (not unusual). We did agree, however, that the next year might be a tiny bit better because we would have Millie for ALL of it- not just 10.75 months of it. And so I'll give him that. I guess the next year might be better. We will be a family of three for all of it. And I really don't imagine it can get any better than that. (But I'm open to being proven wrong, I suppose.)

Happy anniversary, Mattie. I can't imagine anyone else I'd rather share this life with.


  1. Happy anniversary, love bird! Here's to hoping that Matt is right and year 9 is even better!

  2. Happy anniversary to you two crazy kids- hope Millie got y'all a nice present!

  3. Happy anniversary!! Praising God with you that you are now on the other side of the "wandering." Love your heart!

  4. Happy Anniversary you guys! I'm so glad your eighth year was filled with so much of the "for better."

    1. This, exactly! Happy anniversary, you two. I think Matt's right--it will be fun to see how much better "the better" gets!

  5. Happy anniversary to a very deserving couple! May Year 9 be even better! With the age that Millie is approaching, it may definitely be the most fun! :)

  6. Praising God for this redemption year. So happy for you two.

  7. Happy 8th Anniversary!!! You were a gorgeous bride!
    Your ninth year will be even better because you won't have that desire and stress for a child. Your heart is complete with Mille!!!!

  8. Aw I love this post, just beautiful!! Happy anniversary!

  9. Love! Happy anniversary! These pictures totally make you the hot version of Lauren Graham!

  10. Love! Happy anniversary! These pictures totally make you the hot version of Lauren Graham!

  11. Happy anniversary!!! So happy for you for this wonderful eighth year! XO

  12. Congrats!! What a beautiful year. Thank you Jesus for the Promise Lands that seem so far off and end up better than imagined. <3

  13. This makes me smile big - Happy Anniversary to you two love birds! XOXO

  14. Happy Anniversary! Can't wait to see what year 9 brings!

  15. Happy anniversary!! I LOVE that family photo! Looks so dreamy...like a dream come true!

  16. Happy anniversary!! I LOVE that family photo! Looks so dreamy...like a dream come true!

  17. Happy anniversary! It will get better because every year those kids manage to get more fun! I swear we are soul sisters (in a non-stalkerish way) because Millie and I share a bday and your anniversary is my son's bday! He turned 6 yesterday and we had a 'One in a Minion' party with family last night - SO fun!

  18. I'm glad Erika that you love our son so much. We are very proud of him. He is an amazing loving and kind man. You are a perfect wife for him.

  19. Happy anniversary!!! :) :) What a beautiful bride!


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