Monday, December 28, 2015

this actually isn't a Christmas recap!

So I fully intended to do a brief (hahaha) Christmas recap tonight. What I did not plan for was how long it's been since I've downloaded my photos from my phone to my computer. I suspect that I don't know the most efficient way to do this. You'd think I've been blogging long enough...but anyway. My current system is that all of the photos on my phone automatically sync with iCloud throughout the day. Then on a (theoretically) regular basis, I download all of the pictures from the cloud to my computer...because I don't trust clouds to keep pictures forever. Or something. And then when I blog, I upload the pictures from my hard drive to Blogger (or maybe make a collage in PicMonkey first, and then upload that). 

Am I missing something super obvious here? Why can't I just link up my Blogger account with my iCloud? Wouldn't that be easier? Ugh.

Anyway, since I haven't downloaded all of my pictures from iCloud lately, it turns out that I have about 400...and tons of them are videos...and it's taking forever. So I want to talk about Christmas, but so far I only have pictures up through my birthday (two weeks ago). And since I haven't talked about my birthday, then let's just do that, shall we? Because the pictures are ready. And some of them are even cute.

Exhibit A: The Greatest Picture Ever

I'll look at the camera and smile this sassy smile JUST THIS ONCE, since it's your birthday, Mommy!
 Trust me, that smile is better than any gift in the world. Any.

So we celebrated my birthday, which was conveniently on a Saturday, by visiting the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta. (For the record, we also celebrated my birthday there in 2008, but those pictures are too hideous to actually share. I was in a pinning-back-my-bangs phase, and it wasn't good.) But before we embarked on our journey, Matt gave me a most awesome gift: that sweet Gilmore Girls t-shirt I'm wearing in all of the pictures. Subtle, isn't it?? AND YET AMAZING. Anyway, it was lucky that I had that shirt to wear...I had been planning to wear a new blanket know, since it's December and all. Then it ended up being 80 degrees outside (and about 2,000 degrees inside the aquarium, where apparently they didn't get the memo that it's FREAKING HOT AND PLEASE TURN ON THE A/C), and I would have died if I'd gone with wardrobe choice #1. So anyways. Gilmore Girls saved my life, in a way.

I'd suspected and hoped that Millie would be really excited about the aquarium.

I wasn't disappointed.

You see that sad face in the bottom left picture above? We only saw that face when we cruelly tried to get her to turn away from the fish and pose for a picture. That made for a saaaaad Millsie. But as long as she was looking and pointing and "WOW!!!"ing...she was a happy girl.

We walked to Der Biergarten for lunch and it was delicious! I wasn't sure how I felt about authentic(ish?) German food, but I was pretty sure I'd feel really great about German beer, so...we took a gamble. And then I played it really safe with the food (no to things involving veal or sausage...yes to the rotisserie chicken and cheesy pasta-ish stuff, ha) and it was a smashing success. Millie was just as impressed as we were!

We checked out all of the giant ornaments in Centennial Park before returning to the aquarium for the afternoon.

I'm CHECKING OUT ORNAMENTS, not posing for ridiculous selfies!! Sheesh. PARENTS.

All in all, we had a freaking fantastic day. Millie is such a joy to take places...she just gets so excited and is so inquisitive and happy. I want to show her the whole world. Even the places I've previously deemed boring (ahem, sorry, Yellowstone)...I'd go back, just because I think that SHE will enjoy it and therefore I probably will too. (Unless the geysers are still smelling disgusting. I just don't know if I'll ever enjoy that.)

It was a perfect way to celebrate turning 33. I am so thankful for my family and my life and I really don't need a spending the day experiencing something special like this was absolutely perfect. (Well, I guess I did kinda need that t-shirt. Because seriously. It's the best. Also, if you feel like you need one for yourself, be aware that they run big. Size down.)

And now, a treat (or two) for YOU! Due to popular demand (hahaha, and by that, I mean that maybe two people have like, the last month), I've uploaded a few videos of Millie. Enjoy watching her in all her 'live' glory...or feel free to skip if you think movies of babies doing basically nothing are boring. I get that, too. :)

First of all- Millie decided to start dancing (all by herself. In her nightgown.) to the sweet Christmas jams that were playing in the background on Christmas Eve. It was basically the greatest thing ever. She was soon joined by her cousin and uncle and my heart pretty much exploded, but we didn't get a video of that part. (Video is 12 seconds)

Secondly, you can have a taste of what it's like to take Millie out to eat. When there are TVs broadcasting bowling tournaments. Trust me- no one in the history of the world has ever been this excited about bowling! And then after the guy bowls, she realizes that...once again...there are some sweet tunes playing. So she dances. (22 seconds)

And that's basically it. The rest of my photos have finally finished downloading, so just hold your breath and maybe someday I'll recap Christmas. :)


  1. I think you need some of those big balls
    In your yard. Those are amaze-balls! Haha!
    Millie looks like a little doll. I hope you're printing out the first picture to use with Christmas decorations every year.

  2. Hooray for a fun birthday! And cute videos of Millie!! Toddlers are the best (except when they're being butt heads, but the cuteness totally makes up for those moments, right??)!

  3. I adore that pic of you and Mille in the ornament! And love the dancing video!! Camille is so fun to take places at this age, as she gets SO excited (well except she is not fun to take on airplanes or in restaurants where she is expected to sit for more than 10 min). :)

  4. Might as well be Christmas everyday with her! Such fun family memories!

    *One day I'm going to quit reading your blogs in your voice... Not today!

  5. Those videos are just precious!!! I love seeing a happy lil one!!

  6. i love it!! Just precious!!! So glad you had a good birthday!

  7. So sweet!! btw I've been eating wayyyy too many kolaches lately.

  8. In my opinion iCloud stinks. Instead of downloading pics from the cloud, I just plug my iphone into my computer using my charging cord. I then copy them over to my computer. Much easier not having to go through iCloud to get pics on my computer!

    1. OK-- I couldn't find your email address, so I hope you see this!! This is what I used to do for years, but when I got my newest phone (the 6), now when I plug it in and try to get to the pictures, they are divided into SO MANY FOLDERS...and all of the folders are just nonsensical names (like HVIS928 and SDMF22I), with no rhyme or reason, and I can't figure out how to sort/rename them...and it takes me like a freaking hour to find the folder with the most current pictures in it! I was spending WAY too long just trying to find the folder with the pictures I wanted!! Is there a way around this? Because this was definitely way easier than using the cloud when I had my last iPhone...but that phone just had like 4 or 5 folders (still with nonsensical names), and the newest pictures would always go into the same folder until it filled up, and then a new folder would even if I had to 'hunt,' it only took a few minutes. I just can't figure it out on this phone!!

  9. 1) Great to hear from you! I miss your regular family/life/Millie updates!

    2) Happy (belated) Birthday!!

    3) How do you wear your blanket scarf?? I can't figure out how to do it!!!

  10. Yaaaay for videos!! Glad to know she is a real child and not just a prop you acquired for photos ;) And also glad to hear your birthday was such a hit, minus the unseasonably warm temps.

  11. Back in the day, when I blogged, and actually took pictures I used google docs to upload my pictures and then it seems like there was an easier way to link to blogger, but my wifi wasn't the greatest so they didn't always upload. I haven't tried it lately, but I think there was an option to upload new ones every time you connected to wifi. It was all through the Google Drive App.

  12. Ah... don't ask me for picture advice because I still lug my large camera everywhere and then just upload pictures straight to my computer. And then re-size them in some weird program (called 'Gimp') which Dave said I should use. I'm so 2007.

    I LOVE those big ornaments. Now I need to come to Georgia in December just so I can see those ornaments because they are so awesome.

    And yay for having a great birthday, except for the excessive heat. Since my birthday is at the beginning of May it's either beautiful out or freezing winter so it's always hit or miss.


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