Thursday, February 27, 2014

dear Erika...

I'm suffering from writer's block, people. It's excruciating. Although to be honest, I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often. I lead a pretty boring and ordinary life, so sometimes I'm kind of amazed that I can come up with crap to ramble on about five days a week. Ha. (You can just nod and smile if you're secretly thinking maybe you should stop rambling so much...)

I whined about my lack-of-things-to-blog-about plight on Facebook this morning, because obviously that's a mature thing to do. I guess on some level I was hoping someone would pipe in with a great writing prompt that I could spring off of and write up something in the time that remains before my workday starts. Like "Erika, I've really been hoping you'd weigh in on what's going on in the Ukraine...your political opinions are so on point." (Are you impressed that I even know something is going on in the Ukraine? You can thank NPR for that.) Just kidding. More like "aren't you going to talk about what happened on the Bachelor this week?", which is something that is actually plausible. 

Thankfully, my pathetic plea for help worked!! Or, maybe. I mean, I'm writing, aren't I?

Susan suggested that I open up a Q&A. Go look and see it for yourself if you don't believe me. I've seen folks do these before, but never done it myself in my six-ish year blog career. Why? Because there's a high chance of failure, to be honest. WHAT IF NOBODY ASKS ANYTHING? But today there's no chance of that failure. Before I agreed to do this, I made Susan promise that if no one asked anything, she would take the burden upon herself to make up at least 10 different names/profiles and ask questions under them. SO! I'll get at least 10 questions, which seems like a successful Q&A, don't you agree? Ha!

So here we go, my first ask-me-anything Q&A. Susan suggested that I establish some ground rules. I mean, I'm a pretty open book, so feel free to ask whatever burning questions about me/Matt/Lola/infertility/adoption/gardening/makeup/life you may have. You should probably avoid questions about politics because let's be honest...that's going to make me have to go look it up, form an opinion, and like...that's just annoying. I hate politics. So do you (according to the reader survey). So let's not go there. And also...I mean, I have no idea what questions are actually burning on your hearts (if any), but if it's something too personal or too whatever...please don't hate me if I choose not to answer it. Let's pretend I have some standards when it comes to what I share publicly.

BUT. Here's another great idea. You may not know this, but I've always had a not-so-secret life goal of being a Dear Abby-esque advice columnist. I love answering questions (especially about topics I have no experience or knowledge about!!!) and solving problems. So feel free to also throw in your big life conundrums that you need help sorting out. Feel free to make up ridiculous scenarios if you don't actually have one! And if you do that, you should probably make up a name to go with it, too, like this:

Dear Erika,
  I accidentally doused myself in a men's cologne right before I left for work this morning. I didn't have time to change. Now I smell like a man (I am actually a woman) and I'm really self-conscious. What should I do?

 Eau de Hombre

Obviously this is a scenario that I have some personal experience with (so my advice would be SUPER spot-on), but you get the idea.

So...let's do it. Assuming anyone actually has questions, I'll answer them in a future post (as opposed to in the comments or in an email) (unless your question is personal and you'd prefer that...just say so).

PS. If you ask how much I weigh, I'm going to lie. So sorry!


  1. Dear Erika --

    I lost my morning cup of tea. I can taste its sweet, hot goodness on my tongue but alas, alack -- it is only a dream. I have retraced my steps of the morning and am seriously at a loss. Please help.

    Desperate For Warmth, Caffeine And Sugar

    PS. What is the one thing you need to get you going in the morning? Obviously, for me it's a hit of caffeine, usually in hot tea form.

  2. I knew you would come up with an entertaining Q&A!!! The pressure is on people...creating 9 other profiles won't be fun for me. Ask away!!!
    My first (and hopefully last) question: if you could live any place in the world where would it be? Money being no factor and you can bring you family.

  3. Eau de Hombre- bahh. This is pretty stellar for like 17 minutes of writing/thinking/editing. Kudos.

    Ummmmm.... gahhh, the ONE thing I want to know.... I already know how you feel about workout approved underwear, cotton candy, and appropriate Christmas tree decorating, soooo...

    What event in life (preMatt) does Matt need to have experienced/seen/lived to tell the tale to really understand you? Maybe it's just me, but I tell Sam he doesn't get it because he didn't live it all the time.

    And just on the off chance ten people don't ask questions, I'll throw out another to save Susan. This is the question I get asked most often about YOU (I guess the word on the street is we're friends): What's next for bringing home baby Bates? This one probably deserves a post of it's own. womp womp

    Love you, friend!

  4. Dear Erika,
    How many times a week do you think I need to wash my hair to be an acceptable human being? How many times a week do you think I need to wash my body in the winter to be an acceptable human being? (Summer is daily, winter I am lazy).

    Who do you think has the best chance of being the next Bachelorette? Is Andi right about Juan Pablo being self-centered?

    Are you and Matt currently thinking of pursuing adoption, treatment, both or neither?

    When will winter be over?

    Lots of questions in Iowa,

    1. Maybe I should clarify. I'm a regular human, not a groundhog... ;)

  5. Dear Erika,
    I was introduced to someone named Tom years ago. Now we are now rather close with their family and every time his wife refers to him, she calls him Thomas. I don't know if his wife is trying to correct me or if both names are acceptable. I've tried to pay attention to what others call him and it seems that those close to him call him Thomas. Should I be calling him Tom or Thomas?
    Just name your kids what you want people to call them to avoid confusion

  6. Have you had any contact with Ellison's birthmother since the birth? (sorry if that's too nosey, feel free to not answer!)

    Also have you ever been recognized in public from your blog which resulted in an awkward encounter?

    Thanks! :)

    1. Umm I think I can call myself out on this one. I awkwardly recognized Erika at the gym when her husband was taking a picture of her by the stretching weby thing. IF it helps I am IRL friends with Amanda Greavu, BUT I think it didn't make it any less creepy (muahahha)

    2. Glad you outed yourself as the serial blog stalker that you are. : )

  7. The Q&A is great and a good way to get to know you a bit better. Also, it invites people to chime in about themselves as well. Here is my question.

    If money were no object and you were planning a trip where would you visit? and a second part to this could be - since money is always an issue since you know the lottery is one in a million - where is your favorite vacation spot on a budget.

    I would love to plan a trip to Italy and visit all the high points in Italy. But most of all I want to try Italian Pizza and Pasta because everyone tells me they are nothing like what we serve in North America!

    1. Oh and to add to the above because I absolutely do love traveling - if I were to visit where you live, what is the one thing that I must see. Sometimes I don't think we play tourists in our own town often enough.

    2. Oooo, this is a fabulous one... Athens is so cool/trendy/hip, but I feel like everyone has an opinion on what's "the best"... but obviously it all centers around food.

  8. Oh, lady, you make me laugh! I always look forward to your daily post whether you have something profound to say or not. This is a great idea and I can't wait to see some of your answers already, but you've left me absolutely stumped--I have NO idea what I want to ask you! I'll give it some thought and get back to you later if I can think of a question worthy of you taking the time to answer.

  9. Kudos to your readers, especially Amanda for saving my butt! See...I knew this would be a fun and interesting topic. We want to know more about you, Erika!

  10. Dear Erika,

    Last week I discovered that my cat was licking my toothbrush when he was on the counter waiting for his morning tap water. I threw out that toothbrush and moved them into a cupboard. But what should I do with said cat to keep him from doing it again? Skinning and beheading are not an option, as my guillotine and machetes are undergoing annual maintenance.

    Horrified Cat Mommy

    1. HAHAHAH I am dying! Can I please have a picture of your cat? I feel like that would help me answer better.

    2. I just busted out laughing reading this while during a very quiet moment in the office!! Hahahaha!!!

    3. Oh my I did too! Hilarious!!!

    4. Oh my gosh... this is awesome! I can't wait for this one!

    5. I didn't even see these comments! Hahaha I'm glad you enjoyed this! LOL.

  11. What is the best prank you have ever pulled on Matt?
    When you're ticked off, how do you cope best?
    Do you get annoyed when people write letters to "Erica?"
    How do you manage your time?

  12. How do you know who and whom not to share your blog with? Does your family read it? What if you don't want family to know all your business but you feel like you would be a jerk for telling them not to read it when hundreds of people you don't know read it? I hate that.

  13. Did you ever consider the opposite to come true, in which you had so many questions to answer it would require multiple blog posts? Glass half full kind of day!
    And because I'm feeling generous I'll ask another. How do you best keep the weeds out of your garden and grass? I hate weeds.

  14. What's your favorite non-wine go-to drink when you're out for a fancy evening with Matt or your friends? Coffee shops and chain restaurants are no problem for me, but I never know what to order off the top of my head when we go somewhere nice.

    What is going in your garden this year?

    Why does Ponds no longer sell lemon-scented cold cream in the U.S.? (I know this probably doesn't fall under the "ask Erika something she can answer" category, but my mom used it when I was little, and it is a smell of femininity to me, and for the life of me I don't understand why I can get it off Amazon shipped from England but I can't buy it at Target! Any advice/help you could offer here would be most appreciated.)

  15. Since I am late in the game to respond ... I feel like a plethora of good questions have been asked. I agree with all above questions.

    Here are mine ...because inquiring minds want to know:

    1) What is your typical Starbucks order (winter, summer)?
    2) Who do you want Juan Pablo to pick or are you just over the Bachelor drama?
    3) What ONE grammatical error offends you the most (you most pick ONE)?

  16. How do you feel about barnacles in the fantasy suite?


    Juan Pablo

    1. LOL! Not that it matters, because his response to your opinion will definitely be: ess oh-kay.

  17. How is the "best" way to break the news you are expecting to someone struggling with infertility (for going on 3 years)? A good friend of mine is having a really hard time, and I just want to be as sensitive as possible.

  18. Dear Erika,
    Do you hate Juan Pablo as the Bachelor as much as I do at this point? #stillwatchingthough

    How do you feel about the use of hashtags? I started using them ironically as a way to embarrass my stepson / make fun of my students, but now they're kind of thing for me.

    If you had a different career, what would it be?

    If you could be doing ANYTHING at all right now, what would it be?

    LOVE this idea. : ) Happy Thursday!

  19. Dear Erika,

    Some of these questions that have rolled in have me belly laughing. I love it!! My question is do you have a hard time keeping a clean house with Lola? As an owner of two big black fur babies, I feel like it’s impossible to keep my house clean. There are always wet paw prints, shed hair, and slobber slinging. Do you have a cleaning routine? I certainly don’t but I need one!

    Desperate in Florida

  20. Dear Erika,

    This is possibly the best idea you have come up with (for the time I have been reading) next to a survey! haha

    My question is how do you "look" busy at work while reading and commenting on blogs?? I mean I mean a friend of mine needs to know.

    Friend of a friend.

  21. Dear Erika,

    Who is going to invent our super delicious, chemical-free addiction so I can chew while preggers?

  22. I had a question that I was going to post on FB page, but then realize I should post it here. I haven't been updating my blog for the past year - too busy kicking cancer's butt. I've decided to start again so I'd like to let my FB friends know about this one post. How do I link my post to my FB page?


  23. These are sooo good!!! I can't even come up with one I am laughing so much!!!

  24. Dear Erika,

    I second the "keeping house clean with dogs" question and the "looking busy at work while blogging" question.

    Inquiring minds want to know:
    How do you feel about the 20 year anniversary of the Nancy Kerrigan/Tonya Harding saga?
    I'm starting a vegetable garden this year, what are your tips for a beginning gardener?
    What does a typical weeknight evening look like for you and Matt?

  25. Ooh, I want to know your veggie garden advice, too!
    Also-- how do you keep from being bitter at fertile myrtles? You seem to do a really good job at it, and it is something I struggle with. Related-- have you ever had a friend dump you over infertility? Or, has infertility affected your friendships negatively? And how do you deal? (Not just curious here--looking for advice.)
    In regards to grammar...apostrophes. (I realize that was not a complete sentence, sorry.) Are they just for changing "it is" to "it's," or do they still show possession, as in "dog was licking it's tail?" I have confusion. Please advise.
    Also, read any good books lately? Preferably something along the lines of Harry Potter or Hunger Games? Am bored, need book recommendations.

  26. I am planning on taking a "treat yo' self day" (ala Parks and Rec) now that my mom's estate is closed. What would you do on a treat yo self day???

  27. Dear Erika,

    How do I correct the grammar of my loved ones without sounding like a huge jerk?

    Judgmental Grammar Nazi

    And also, if you could have any song play to announce your arrival every single time you enter a room, which song would it be?

  28. Dear Erika,
    How can I convince my wife to stop endlessly re-loading your blog, hoping for entertaining posts and witty comments? The dishes are piling up, my kids don't remember what their mother looks like, and our supply of only-somewhat-dirty clothes is running perilously low!

    Please respond -- our situation is desperate!

    A Canadian Blog Widower

    1. Ha ha ha! I love my husband :)

      PS. He has been known to inquire, on more than one occasion, "What's new with Matt and Erika?" Busted!

  29. Dear Erika,

    If you could live anywhere in the world (and money, logistics, etc is not an issue) where would you choose to live and why? (I am sure, naturally, Houston is your top pick. . ha)

    If you could only eat ONE thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

    If you could be on any reality show, which one would you choose, and why?

    Your friend who cannot come up with anything funny at the hour of 4:55am.

  30. Dear Erika,

    Are you and Matt going to look into additional infertility treatments? Or have you thought about adoption again? If so have you thought about adopting younger children vs. babies? Have you thought about fostering? Possibly having a surrogate mother so that you "know" that it will be your baby no matter what? The whole idea of all of that is very overwhelming to me but I thought maybe you both have looked into it? My husband and I have been TTC for 26 months without any success and I thought I would ask the advice from someone else who knows what we are going through.


I love comments almost as much as I love Mexican food. Seriously.