Friday, May 10, 2013


Yesterday morning during our commute, Matt did something very un-Matt-like: he broke out in spontaneous song. This is more the sort of thing I usually do...apparently I'm contagious, though. We'd just finished listening to an interesting story on NPR and all of a sudden Matt's singing an ode to the topic in a very deep and operatic voice. It made me crack up, and I immediately pulled out my phone to record him. Against all odds, he agreed to let me and started the song over once I was ready to record.

That would have been funny enough. But then?

Then he unintentionally made it REALLY funny to me. REALLY FUNNY. Because in one fell swoop he proved that he is equally unschooled in current social media AND drug terminology.

And I almost died. And couldn't wait to put the video on my blog for everyone else to enjoy, too. You're welcome!

Enjoy Matt's 41 seconds of glory:

I think he meant 'Tweeting.' But what he actually said was this

It was pretty funny.

Relatedly (?), we've been behind trucks with these same decals TWICE in the last two days. I think that's too often to be a coincidence. Clearly God is telling us we need to get these for our Matrix.

Nothing screams 'Big Nasty' like a red hatchback with two coffee-drinking 30-year-olds listening to NPR, does it? That's what I thought.

Have a great weekend, you big nasty, you.


  1. My question is how do YOU know about "tweaking"??? We all told you that you could do the tri without drugs, remember?!?!

    I think you and I should totally start a revolution of Matrixes (I refuse to give in to Dave The Math Nerd and called them "Matrices" when I mean more than one CAR) with "Big Nasty" on the back.

    Post more Matt videos please. They are awesome!

  2. Bwahahahaha.... I really should have known better than to watch before I had my post-coffee potty trip. I gots ta pee!

    So funny. I'm impressed you are both morning people. Brandon and I used to commute together and we barely spoke.

  3. I'm concerned that there's not just one, but multiple vehicles like this out there. Sounds like a recipe for something gang-related. Or a cult. And I'm just not sure how I feel about you guys joining a group called "Big Nasty". Not going to lie, I might judge you a little. But I suppose if anyone can teach Matt the difference between tweeting, tweaking, twirking, etc., a gang probably could...

  4. That video is so funny!!! The other day my husband said, "I need to order some plastic tweakers online." He meant to say 'tweezers,' but he's a police officer and I think he just always has tweakers on his mind. It was quite hilarious.

  5. Wow. Officially almost snorted my morning juice watching that. And yeah for Matt for letting you post that. Derek would have mean mugged me if I asked if I could put that online. He's such a good sport. :)

  6. Hahahaha! Thanks Matt for letting Erika post that and make us all laugh this morning! Have a great weekend :)

  7. HA!!! I love seeing couples having fun like this. It's the silly things in life, am I right? :-)

  8. You should also be sure to get some "truck nuts"- classy move for sure!

  9. I am super impressed he allowed you to post this - I have a cute video of Wade singing the alphabet to Davis, and he won't allow me to post it because he thinks it's too embarrassing!!

  10. I'm jealous! You guys seem to have fun on the car rides into work. We barely speak to one another - I'm a grump in the mornings! Ha!

  11. I love this!!!! Hahaha! Y'all are awesome.

  12. Tweaking, tweeting...nearly the same thing. People kill me with their car decals. I saw one this week that said Chesnut Mountain Mafia...on a lifted, redneck truck in Jackson County. Not so much.

  13. You really do need a "Big Nasty" bumper sticker. And I watched Matt twice because it was so entertaining.

  14. I think every car needs a Big Nasty decal. :)

  15. LOL...This post cracked me up!! Love Matt's singing :)


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