Thursday, May 30, 2013

the REAL madness

Remember how excited I get about March Madness and filling out brackets and participating in the office pool and all that? It's pretty awesome. Especially since I really couldn't care less about basketball. It's just that I like brackets and guessing and luck and competing.

Please try to imagine the level of excitement I achieve when a bracket is created for something I actually care about.

That's right, playas. A Bachelorette Bracket, complete with a Des watermark in the background. Consider my mind blown.


Unfortunately, only one other person in my office cares to participate in this pool. What is wrong with people?? I play in your stupid sports games even though I don't like basketball. You can't spend 15 minutes doing research about the (shallow, strange, and desperate) now-19 men vying for Des's heart? YOUR LOSS.

Obviously I am not going to read the spoilers before I fill this out, so if you lack my self-control, please don't blurt it out to me now...I want to approach this in as open-minded and scientific a method as possible. You know, just like I approach my basketball bracket. Scientific.

That's all I've got for ya today. I figure your brains can't handle more than this, take a minute, absorb, and then go fill yours out. 

But before I go-- a huge happy 30th birthday to my bestie Kristina!!

This picture was from one of our many themed photo shoots of 2004. We fancied ourselves to be the (older, less-skinny) Mary Kate and Ashley of Georgia...I think New York Minute had come out recently, hence the appropo I Heart NY shirts. Most of the pictures from that shoot are completely ridiculous, but I really love this one because of how hard we're laughing and how happy we look. I think it sums up our friendship pretty well. Happy BD, Stine!!


  1. I think if I filled out those brackets each season without reading spoilers, I would never get them right. I am terrible at being misled by their master editing skillz!

  2. I was all into the bachelor with Brad, them Emily and then of course Sean but for some reason I just can't seem to get into Des?? I like her and all it's just for some reason I don't find her as interesting? I'm also one of those Reality Steve addicts and I've already read a little of that so I'll stay mute there lol It's crazy how I enjoy ready the spoilers and watching to see if it plays out the way he says it will.

  3. My roommate Sarah and I are totally hooked on watching this after we saw the last hour of it on Monday! Also Happy Birthday Kristina! Love the New York Minute look :)

  4. Oh Em Gee... You're kidding me, right?! Where did you get this?? Did you make it?! I LOVE it!!!

  5. Ha! That bracket actually sounds fun even though I don't watch the show! I secretly love hearing the recaps on the morning show of my favorite radio station, though (shhhhh...don't tell my husband! He HATES shows like that!).

    Love that picture! Looks like so much fun!

  6. Oh my gosh. I NEED to have that bracket. Except I already know the spoilers :( apparently it was easy to figure out. So several sources have posted it. Oh we'll!

  7. It sounds fun but for those who it already will just ignore it.

  8. Oh man! A Bachelorette bracket sounds fantastic! However, this year, I have chosen to skip out on The Bachelorette. Hopefully I don't miss too much!

  9. That is such a great picture! Love the full out laughing :)

  10. LOVE IT!!! Sooo not impressed with the lot Des was given.....what a bunch of wackos! So far anyway!!

  11. I'd fill out one of those brackets! Way more fun than basketball. :P

  12. Hahahaha! You are hilarious!

  13. Please still be my friend... I have never watched The Bachelor or The Bachelorette and I honestly don't even know if Des is a boy or a girl. I am assuming girl since you called it your Bachelorette Bracket.

  14. This Bachelorette Bracket is genius. Pure genius! Good luck!

  15. You're so cute! I'm addicted to Bachelorette and wish I could play. How fun.

  16. Love that picture. You can just see friendship on your faces.


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