Friday, December 5, 2014

four months!

Mills, how old are you today?

Silly girl, come on. Show us how old you are!

Going to play coy, are you?? Milllllssssie...just show us how old you are!

I can almost see it! Is that a fo-

FOUR MONTHS?!?! Aaaaaahhhh!! Cover it back up, quick! Say it ain't so! Yikes.

Let's just get to it quick, before I cry.

Aliases: Millie, Mills, Nugs, Snugs

Stats: Her four-month appointment is 12/22, so weight and height are guesswork...and I'm guessing she weighs 85 pounds-ish. Give or take. This baby is a CHUNK! She's also grown taller than many of her footed one-piece outfits lately, so she's maybe 25 inches or so now?

She wears mostly 3-6 month clothes and is a size 2 in disposable diapers still.

My mom is indoctrinating me into her passionate love for stripes. I'm a victim!
Habits: Her habits are all exactly the same as last month, oddly! I guess there's something to be said for consistency and predictability- two things I very much love, so...high five, Nugs!

-drinks five 6-oz bottles per day; one every 3-4 hours
-sleeps 10-12 hours per night; goes to bed around 8:30-9:00 and wakes up at 7:15 (on weekdays; we wake her up) or 8:00ish when left to her own devices
-bathes every other night and it is still the highlight of her day and life
-takes a lot of naps, usually between 45 minutes and 1.5 hours long...if her daytime sleep totals about 4-5 hours, she seems pretty happy and content with life. Less than that equals less happy.

Pleeeeeeeease don't make me get out of the bath, Mom! PLEASE!!!!!
Likes: This month she kindled a love affair with her hands and fingers. Whew. It's intense. She doesn't seem to have a preference for any particular finger(s)- it's a free-for-all love fest in there. One finger. A thumb. The side of her hand. All 10 fingers at once. Whatever. It's all good times. Subsequently she is covered in slobber 90% of the time, which she also seems to enjoy. She normally clasps her hands together (like in the picture above) and then crams the whole thing in her mouth as far as she can. It's kinda impressive, really!

She continues to love baths, the blow dryer, books, and the monkey over her changing table. Lights and fans are always good for a stare, and she enjoys bouncing in her Baby Einstein jumpy thing. She has started to really enjoy staring at faces and will smile and LAUGH (yes, best thing ever, melts my hearts, almost caused me to die of happiness) when Matt and I make silly faces/sounds. She loves going to stores and looking around at everything, which is verrrry convenient for her mama that likes to shop! She also loves being outside.

Dislikes: Tummy time, her arch-nemesis. Not happenin', Mom. Being hungry and/or overtired are also not appreciated by the wee Nugs. And I wouldn't go so far as to call it a dislike, but she seems to share her parents' feelings about crowds of people: she does okay for awhile, smiles and acts happy and will let herself be passed around. And then she is DONE. Take her out of the room for some quiet snuggles and she's just fine. Walk back into the room with lots of people (even if it's just me or Matt holding her), she buries her head into our arms and screams. I would probably be more concerned if I hadn't been feeling (and acting, sometimes) this same way for almost 32 years, ha! Introverts for the win!

Undecided About: Well, large groups of people. Car rides- which is an improvement, since in months past that's been firmly in the 'dislikes' category. Toys. 

Special Skills: Stealing my heart, does that count? She still has impressively long eyelashes and seems to be skilled in the art of getting chunky. She has a flair for drama (like when she's hungry, tired, or we dare to use saline spray or the Nose Freda on her...) and can go from RAGING ANGER to fluttering eyelashes and sweet giggles in about two seconds flat (after she gets whatever it is she wants, of course).

I never imagined life could be so full and happy. She is the greatest gift we have ever received- I am infinitely, completely, forever grateful. Truly- my heart overflows and I feel like I'm just leaking happiness everywhere and I hardly know what to do with myself. If overly happy people annoy you, I'm probably your worst nightmare right now...and I'm enjoying every minute of it.

This little girl. 



  1. Happy 4 months, baby girl! At the rate you're going, you'll probably be bigger than your tiny friend Avery next month!

  2. She is so, so cute! And yes, I realize you are fully aware of it. :)

  3. She is totally adorable! I want to kiss her cheeks!!!!

  4. Third photo from the top... be still be heart. Could she be any cuter?!?! Every month I think THIS IS IT... she can't be any cuter, and then the next month photo comes and it's like "more cheeks!" She's so precious! Continue to leak happiness at will.

  5. She is absolutely adorable! I love how you dress her!

    Totally RANDOM P.S. -
    Because I am always late to the cool train (ALWAYS)... I JUST started watching Walking Dead on Netflix...OMG ... so good, but I have the strangest dreams after watching it. Anyway thought you would appreciate my love for a zombie show.

  6. Happy 4 months, Millie! You are the cutest baby!!

  7. Happy month day, sweet girl! There really must come a point when you stop getting cuter and cuter every time your mom posts a new picture -- it's killing me!

  8. Happy four months, sweet baby girl!!

    And for what it's worth, your happiness isn't getting old. Sometimes the daily minutiae can grind you down until you misplace the sense of joy and wonder and privilege that comes with parenting, but not here. It isn't every day you get to watch someone's dream come true. If anything, experiencing just a small portion of your joy for your daughter has made me a better mama to my own girls.

    1. Amanda said what I wanted to say but much more eloquently. Also, Happy Four Months to Cheeky Mills!

  9. By the end of this post I was smiling to myself like an idiot. Seriously, that intro was the cutest thing ever!!

  10. Oh my gosh those first pictures were awesome!!!

    Also, I am jealous of what a good sleeper she is! I wish Paloma would take long naps like that and be able to stay up until 8:00 pm. How long is she awake between naps?

    Happy 4 months cutie!

  11. Those pictures are too funny! Looks like she has quite the personality.

  12. She is just precious and I am so happy for you. And your posts are hilarious. After struggling with infertility (which is what initially brought me to your awesome blog), we're finally expecting our first. and what I want to know is - HOW DID YOU GET HER TO SLEEP LIKE THAT? Did you already post that elsewhere? My primary pregnancy issue has been insomnia, and I have turned into a sleep-deprived lunatic, so I am nervous about that aspect of the newborn stage. Did you use a certain schedule? Because seriously, I am impressed.

    1. Thank you so much!! Ummm...I haven't really talked about her amazing sleep habits much because a) I'm afraid it will jinx her haha, and b) I don't feel like I really did much, I think she's just an inherently great sleeper and I hesitate to take credit for it or try to speak with much authority!! But we did read the Baby Whisperer and Happiest Baby on the Block and pretty much follow what they say by the book, and she went right along with it. I also think that the fact that she's formula-fed probably helps because it's more high-calorie than breastmilk and (supposedly, I'm not a scientist haha) that can help them sleep longer stretches?? But honestly, I think any 'advice' I may try to dispense on the topic would be really common sense (and possibly insulting, haha) to parents with difficult sleepers...we honestly never had to really TRY anything much or use any system, she just loved sleeping long stretches from the get-go. Sorry I'm not much help!! (But those 2 books ARE great, so I do recommend them!!)

  13. Those cheeks!! Just too much.

  14. I cannot get over the cuteness!!!! Those cheeks!!!! She sounds like a great baby, too - twelve hours of sleep at night!? Wakes up at 8?? Can she have a chat with JB?? :)

  15. She has grown so much! I love the 3rd picture!!! Way too much cuteness

  16. Happy 4 months to your sweet baby girl!!

  17. Oh my gosh, she has grown up so much in the last month alone! Sorry, I know that's not helping. But rest assured there is still plenty of cuteness to come in the months ahead! Happy 1/3 year, baby girl!

  18. "skilled in the art of getting chunky. She has a flair for drama (like when she's hungry, tired, or we dare to use saline spray or the Nose Freda on her...) and can go from RAGING ANGER to fluttering eyelashes and sweet giggles in about two seconds flat (after she gets whatever it is she wants, of course)." - I am pretty sure Millie and Camille are twins!!!!!

    Happy 4 months, little (or not so little) one! :)

  19. Happy Four Month Birthday, Millie! You're a precious and joyful gift to mommy and daddy. Every post about you makes me smile. Keep on sharing, Erika! We all love your girl!

  20. Gah! So adorable. My daughter's name is Molly and sometimes I call her Mollsy!

  21. I can't handle her pictures…#3 just oh my cuteness!!!!!!! I share her/your feelings with a crowd of people as well! I can only handle it for so long gah!

  22. The third picture is almost too much to handle!!! She's such a DOLL BABY!!

  23. She. is. GORGEOUS! And cuter in every picture you is that even possible?

  24. I didn't think it was possible, but she keeps getting cuter and cuter! Love that chunkiness!

  25. She's simply adorable. Love that she's always smiling. My niece is 6 months and all she does is stare at me. When I manage to make her smile I think I get more excited than her and then she stares again lol.


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