Wednesday, December 31, 2014

the 2014 analysis

2014 is finally drawing to a close. It was the best of years, it was, just the best of years. That's all. There was probably bad stuff in the pre-August 5 days, but I don't even remember. It was the very best year ever.

I've done a variety of lame year-end reviews over the last few years.. For 2013 and 2012 I skipped the depressing annual life-review survey/questionnaire of 2011 , 2010, and 2009 and moved towards just analyzing my blog instead. Navel gazing? Probably yes. Interesting to me? Definitely yes. Interesting to anyone else? You decide. Feel free to skip out if numbers and percentages aren't your thing. But if you're a big nerd like me (slash just plain nosey...also like me), read on!

All data is obtained from Google Analytics, a.k.a. my best frenemy.

Also, if you have an excellent memory (OR you are totally obsessed with me and reread my archives on a daily basis...extremely likely...), you may think that some of my explanations here sound familiar. That's because I just copy-pasted some of my explanations from last year. It's not plagiarism if it's something YOU wrote, right? Right. And I explained it so nicely last time...I could I possibly improve on that? I shouldn't even try.

Between January 1, 2014 and December 30, 2014 (at 2:20 p.m.), this blog had...
-174,500 visits (a 100.2% increase from 2013!)
-282,349 pageviews (a 113.46% increase from 2013!)
-an average visit duration of 1 minute and 30 seconds (that's a tragic decrease of about 24 seconds from last year...I'm going to have to start packing more cute pictures towards the bottom to entice you to stick around longer!)
-1,087 visits that lasted for more than 30 minutes-- these visitors get the 'quality time' award. (And don't worry, those of you fretting that you might be skewing the very important numbers here because you sometimes just leave the window open with my blog pulled up...Google is smart and it only counts your time for as long as you're 'actively engaged' with the page- clicking stuff, won't count your time if you leave the computer on my page for 2 hours while you take a nap!)

In terms of "Referrals"-- sites that send traffic my way...
(I'm not including feed readers- BlogLovin, Feedly, etc.- this year, though the various readers together combine to make up the vast majority of my 'referrals.' But they're boring, so we'll skip them.)
*I'm including the number of visits and number of 'new visits' because that's really interesting to me. 'New visits' means it's the first time Google has recorded that person (IP address, really) ever coming here. If you return again, even via the same referring site, your visit gets recorded, but you're not a 'new visitor' anymore.

#1- Meet the Joiners: 6,751 visits; 6.4% new visits 

#2- Two Hearts and One Dream: 5,277 visits; 11.96% new visits
#3- Genuine Greavu: 4,879 visits; 9.26% new visits 
#4- Kelly's Korner; 4,745 visits; 23.12% new visits (As far as I remember, I only participated in one of her 'show us your life' link-ups this year (the Christmas decor one a few weeks ago), so most of this traffic is repeat visitors from past link-ups.)
#5- Ummmm...myself: 4,119 visits; .53% new visits (Gonna be honest, don't understand this one...not sure how my own blog counts as a referral? Anyone know?)

(We'll do a bonus #6 since #5 was stupid...)
#6- Stories of a Stay at Home Mom: 2,124 visits; 18.46% new visits

-In all, there are 409 'referring sites.' That seems like a lot, but it's a little misleading because of the way Analytics breaks down the sites now. For instance, if the referring website was being viewed as a .ca or .uk (as opposed to .com), it counts it separately. So (for example) it has my referrals from Aubrey's blog, which I and most (all?) Americans view as www.aubreyandnick.blogspot.COM (except we wouldn't capitalize the COM, but it's there for emphasis), broken down into like 10 different things. There are thousands of referrals from the address I just wrote, but then a couple hundred more from www.aubreyandnick.blogspot.CA (I guess those are Canadian referrals), more from www.aubreyandnick.blogspot.AE (no clue), more from www.aubreyandnick.blogspot.DE (no idea)...and more and more and more. You get the idea. Even though Aubrey only has one blog and REALLY all of my referrals are all coming from that one place, it's broken down into at least 10 different sub-referrals and I'd have to pick through and add them all up to find out how many people Aubrey REALLY sent my way. Make sense? It's dumb. And this is for EVERY referring webpage, not just Aubrey's! So...that's why I know there aren't really 409 DIFFERENT referring sites. End of rant.

18,643 people found their way here by Googling something. 22.68% of those were first time visits.

Unfortunately for us all, all of the top 50 search terms are really boring and predictable (like "something beautiful blog" or "erika matt something beautiful" or "something beautiful infertility"). And I don't feel like digging around to find the really funny ones that are buried somewhere on page 41. Womp.

My 10 most popular posts/pages, by number of pageviews:
-Homepage (171,451)

-Redemption (2,458)
-Chosen, Again (1,665)
-A Christmas Grammar Intervention (1,540)
-About Me (1,502)
-Christmas Tour 2014 (1,440)
-Weekend Distractions (1,416)
-Infertility & Adoption (1,315)
-Babies Don't Keep (1,255)
-Baby Updates. I'm Out of Creative Titles, Sorry. (1,218)

My personal favorite posts of 2014 (in no particular order):

-The Logistics of Caring (it's not that I love what I wrote so much, it's that YOUR SUGGESTIONS ALL CHANGED MY LIFE and helped me to be a much better human being and friend- I reread that comment section frequently!!)
-Ask the Gym Fashion Expert! (also, it's the comment section that kills me. HILARIOUS.)
-Beauty Will Rise
-Babies Don't Keep

Favorite picture of 2014:

from Babies Don't Keep

It's not that I look great or Millie looks particularly cute- it's just that it's the picture that reminds me of how incredibly happy and grateful I felt in 2014. This is the me I always wanted to be.

Not shockingly, 2014 will go down in the books as my favorite year ever. I feel like I say that plenty enough, which is why I didn't think a 'life recap' end-of-the-year post was really necessary...but in case it wasn't 110% abundantly clear...

2014: The Year We Became a Family of Three

Best. Year. Ever.


  1. What an amazing year for your family! Babies only get more fun as they grow, so y'all are in for a real treat in 2015!! Happy New Year, friend!!

  2. Such a monumental year indeed, and like Brittnie said, believe it or not, 2015 will probably be equally awesome!!

  3. Those pictures warm my heart! And I agree with the comments above, it only keeps getting better. :)

  4. I might have said this last year, and you might already know this, but I'll put it out there anyways.

    .CA is Canada, .AE is Australia (I think), and .DE is Germany (Deutschland!). There, now you know all the important things!

    Also, words cannot express how much fun it has been to read your blog as you became a mommy. Your joy just seriously overflowed off the screen and just about every post makes me smile so big or cry with happiness. It has been so amazing to have a front row seat to watch your dream come true. (I can't imagine how joy-filled it has been for your family and IRL friends!)

    Thank you so much for continuing to share your parenting journey and adorable Millie with all of us through your blog.

    1. I was wrong. .AE is United Arab Emirates. .AU is Australia.

  5. The stats thingy is kinda cool. Don't fret...I always spend an appropriate amount of time perusing your blog especially when there are adorable Millie pictures included!

  6. Beautiful pictures! What a year! I'm sticking around to watch that baby girl grow.

  7. Best year ever is right. So thrilled for you. And I agree - that picture is just beautiful for everything it represents. Love it.

  8. LOVE this blog... you crack me up or have me in tears with every post. So thrilled for your special year with that sweet girl. It's been awesome to follow your journey. Happy 2015!!!

  9. Whew -- what a year indeed! Just seeing that last string of pictures gave me chills from head to toe. 2014 will be a tough one to beat, but I have no doubt that 2015 will at least give it a good shot! Wishing you all the very, very best in the new year. Hope your year is full of good health and happiness...and lots of sweet baby snuggles. Happy New Year, friend!! :-)

  10. Your blog has been so much fun to read this year!! I look forward to all of the fun adventures of Millie that are to come. Happy New Year!!

  11. 2014 hasn't been my favorite year for me, but I've loved it for you. Can't wait to see what adventures 2015 holds for you and your family! Happy New Year!!

  12. Your blog has been so happy this year and I absolutely love it. I can't wait to continue reading in 2015 and see how that joy continues to increase and Millie keeps getting cuter! :) Your ask a gym fitness expert was hilarious and I know my comment there..and your response...cracked me up. What a year, wishing you and your family all of the best in 2015!

  13. One thing I know for sure...That is one loved, adored, and ridiculously beautiful baby girl! So excited to continue following along and seeing what blessings God has in store for your family in 2015!

  14. Noooooo... My favorite part of the recap is reading what crazy google search brought them to you. : (

    Thankful 2014 was finally your year, sweet friend! Happy New Year!

  15. Happy New Year! I've loved following to see your family's blessings. It's so encouraging to me in my own journey!

  16. I came from Meet the Joiners (and don't know Amanda or Allison in real life either, ha) a while back and keep coming back - this was fun. :) So happy for your family and that 2014 was the best year!

  17. Very interesting!!!!! My favorite stat is to see what people searched to get to my blog, haha, some of them crack me up!!!

    Love your pictures! So glad 2014 was such a good year for you!!!

  18. Yay! Happy New Year! I sorta wish you searched to page 41 for the funny Google search words!

  19. Ok I just read the Gym Fashion post (this was before I started following you) and I could not stop laughing!

  20. Mặc áo trái khiến nhiều người gượng cười khi gặp phải người khác, tuy nhiên điều này có thể là một điềm báo gì đó. Hãy cũng tìm hiểu qua bài biết mặc áo trái là điềm gì. Hiện nay, các mặt hàng giày thể thao đang được rất nhiều người ưa chuộng, trong đó giàu jorrdan là một trong những sản phẩm giày được ưa chuộng nhất. Vậygiày jordan giá bao nhiêu? mua ở đâu tốt nhất
    Đồng hồ một phụ kiện thể thao được nhiều người quan tâm đến, hãy cùng tìm hiểu đồng hồ ogival có tốt khôngđồng hồ michael kors của nước nào để có thêm cho mình những thông tin hữu ích nhất.
    Chuột là một trong những loại động vật rất sợ con ngươi, chính vì nếu bị chuột cắn có thể báo điềm gì đó, hãy cùng tìm hiểu chi tiết qua bài viết Bị chuột cắn có điềm gì không. Chúng tôi chuyên nhận đặt mua cát ma thuật tốt chất, một loại đồ chơi giúp kích thích sự phát triển trí tuệ của trẻ.


I love comments almost as much as I love Mexican food. Seriously.