I'm simply appalled by how many of you claimed to be completely clueless about and terrified of lipstick yesterday. Seriously? I am typically the last person on earth to jump on board with a trend. And since lipstick has been a trend for like...200 years or something...I really, really did not think that there were this many other adult earthlings left walking around with naked lips. Apparently I was wrong. Lots of you asked for a post about lipstick/lipstick wearing...don't worry, nothing would thrill my heart more. Clearly we are living in a world completely devoid of fashion magazines, beauty blogs, and Pinterest...so I can see how you'd need me, who started wearing lipstick about 6 months ago and knows about 3 brands, to guide you. ;) Kidding! But yes, a comprehensive guide to the little I know about lipstick will be coming your way. But not today.
So yesterday I mentioned that you should build up your 'expert' reputation about something and become people's go-to person on the topic. One of my friends provided a perfect example of how awesome that can be later in the day. I'm not sure whether she'd read my post or not, but I mean...either way, she had a conundrum and she knew who to contact! And it seriously made me laugh. Please observe:
(The first picture is a full-sized screenshot of the screenshot she originally sent me, which is obviously way too tiny to see in the screenshot of our ensuing texts.) (Did I use the word 'screenshot' enough yet? No? SCREENSHOT!)
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Unrelated side note: If you enjoy Bachelor and you're not following @Possessionista on Twitter, you're missing out. |
Isn't this just beautiful? See...if you blog/Instagram/talk about fashion AND the gym enough, people will naturally assume you know everything that there is to know and come to you with their burning yoga pants etiquette questions!! Love it!!
Don't worry, I answered her questions and tried to calm her fears. But we also both agreed that in addition to the regular tours and orientations gyms provide when you join, someone (probably me) should teach Gym Fashion 101 class. Not knowing the unspoken rules about underwear should never hinder someone from wanting to work out! This is an atrocity!! No wonder Americans are obese- there are so many tricky obstacles preventing us from wanting to work out!
Anyway. I thought about making a survey to gauge yall's opinions on the question my friend asked. An underwear survey, if you will. But I didn't. If you're brave, feel free to speak up your opinions on this extremely important topic in the comments. Or put forth your other burning Gym Fashion questions, like is it okay to mix neons? (yes!!! according to me, anyway) and how many days in a row can I wear the same workout leggings before it's considered really gross? (definitely not something I've ever pondered myself) Have a great day!
No, really, what kind of underwear are you supposed to wear with yoga pants?? I didn't realize there was a rule!!!
ReplyDeleteSeriously, when did regular underwear become not okay? What are you supposed to wear?
DeleteWorking out in a thing sounds awful- are you supposed to?!?
ReplyDeleteApparently Possessionista wishes you would...but it appears that most of us are NOT on board with that, so she has to suffer!! ;)
DeleteI did not know there was a rule. But I just go with low cut regular undies, preferably with as little undie line as possible to show (so maybe some lace trimmed ones). No way am I wearing a thong (which I agree would look better). But yoga with something so far up your crack! Ouch. Good thing I live in a small town where no one follows fashion rules.... ever! Ha ha ha ha!
ReplyDeleteI like your train of thought here. Do what you can to keep VPL minimal, but no need to get crazy... ;)
DeleteI've never heard that rule but generally wear darker pants so you cant see the link. And who's staring at my butt in class enough to care anyway?!!?! :)
ReplyDeleteApparently Possessionista is?? But...yeah. I think most people aren't too concerned with your undie choices.
DeleteAnd I feel like a big loser because I didn't know that either. Really?!?!?
ReplyDeleteA big loser with plenty of company, since it seems that most of the world either doesn't know or doesn't care about that 'rule'. :) I guess don't do your yoga in front of Possessionista and you'll be just fine! ;)
DeleteI gotta say....I workout in compression capris...and I though they leave me with panty lines...I gotta wear the underwear. I just can't.
ReplyDeleteIf you are actually exercising, the only rule is to be comfortable. No one wants to repeatedly bend over in a thong. And please don't post about lipstick...
ReplyDeleteTotally agree: comfort is definitely the most important factor in my book!! Knowing the 'rules' and abiding by them are entirely different matters. ;) I probably will post about lipstick, but feel free to skip that day!! :)
DeleteWhat are yoga pants? I know I could goggle them, but you are way more interesting then goggle...
ReplyDeleteThey're the stretchy, tight pants/capris that a lot of people work out in (for yoga or other exercise). They look like tights (but no feet) or leggings, kinda. Very stretchy and comfy!!
DeleteIn Canada we call those workout leggings and yoga pants are loose fitting pants made of t-shirt material. They are super comfortable.
DeleteYou know, Natasha, that could also be the case here. I kind of use the phrases interchangeably, but there are definitely loose-fit yoga pants that are more of that t-shirty material. So this could just be me mistakenly using the two terms as though they're the same.
DeleteThanks, I feel better being more informed! You are the go-to gal for info!
DeleteHahaha thanks-- as long as you're good with your info being only about 40% accurate, I'm good with it, too!! ;)
DeleteAdd me to the list of people who obviously wears the wrong underwear to work out. Oh well...
ReplyDeleteI had no idea there was a rule here either but no matter what I'm wearing I try to make sure you can't see lines. So I guess something like KristyLou above said......no granny panties! haha
ReplyDeleteI am laughing all over again. Thanks for leaving me anonymous, but Erika's commenters: it was me! And all of you make me feel better that I'm not the only one who didn't know about this, and who has no interest in working out in a thong.
ReplyDeleteMaybe we can start a special gym (with fun classes) for all of us who wisely choose comfort over being fashionably correct! Then there will be no fear of judgment!!
DeleteFor obvious reasons, I would totally join your proposed gym. If I thought I had to wear a thong to do yoga, I'd never make it further than the Wii Fit.
DeleteUmmm, I feel like maybe there's a secret I don't know, but my yoga/workout pants have"panties" in them or that little liner thingy... are we still supposed to where underwear? This is confusing... no wonder I don't go to the gym!
ReplyDeleteFor real??! I've never had/seen yoga/workout pants that had those!! My running shorts do, but...never tighter pants. I'm so intrigued!! Anyone else have these??
DeleteSee my comment. I only buy those kind! Under Armor, Adiddas, etc. all have little panty crotchy things. (PS - I HATE the word crotch)
DeleteWhat are these panty-lined yoga pants and why have I never seen them??!
DeleteMy thought...if I finally drag my sorry, tired butt to the gym then no one should be looking at it closely enough to care about my panties. That being said I own a few pair of neutral colored, very thin panties from my white scrub wearing days (nursing school) and those seem to work quite well to hide VPL. The ladies at the gym caring enough about my panty lines should put more effort into their workout...just sayin'!
ReplyDeleteThe good news about whatever undies you choose to wear with your yoga pants is YOU don't have to look at them! (Unless you spend time checking out your backside in the mirror instead of working out, I guess.) Maybe we should all start wearing VPL to offend the weirdos staring at our butts at the gym?
ReplyDeleteOn a side note, I'm a non lipstick wearer. I can never find a color that doesn't look stupid with my skin or smell funny. Your help would not go unread...
Well, I don't own yoga pants so I can't really speak to those, but i will be gross and just say that I buy running tights, shorts, etc. that have the liner thingy in it so there are NO panties happening here. I can not imagine (having ran marathons) wearing panties while working out. Can't do it. TMI and all that but there is a reason that little cotton liner thingy is in there. Oh and only wear your workout pants once and then wash.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to have to start paying more attention when I shop for yoga pants. There's a whole 'nother world of built-in-panties-pants I've been missing out on!!
DeleteAdd me to the "I had no idea about the proper undergarment for a workout and yes, please do the lipstick post" club. I'm just now (at thirty-muffled number) getting to the part of the 'adult handbook' that covers looking put-together in public.
ReplyDelete*Your post on skinny jeans from ON was the push I needed to pull the trigger on getting my own pair a few weeks ago. Best.decision.ever (well, after marrying my husband).
I'm tempted to post anonymously since I am obviously one of the few who wears a thong when working out in yoga pants. I have an extreme hatred for vpl, plus I've found that working out in full undies just gives me a major wedgie and I spend the whole class trying to discretely pick it out, which isn't possible! I mostly stick to the shorts with built in underw though, as I am self conscious of my booty jiggling showing while working out in yoga pants!
ReplyDeleteAbby is a brave soul to admit that 'round here. I admire that courage. ;) Also, I am also very concerned about potential extra booty jiggle if I wear less-than-full-coverage undergarments...don't NOBODY wanna look at that!!!
DeleteThis post had me cracking up and the comments even more!!! And yes yes yes to the lipstick tutorial. I really need help in the make up department, I only know how to wear mascara -____-.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely a thong. No questions asked. At lunch, for my weight class I do, I was the ONLY one wearing running shorts and everyone else (well the girls) were in yoga pants?! Now that was confusing!
ReplyDeleteCaroline is also a brave soul. Her and Abby can work out together. ;)
DeleteI have never been a fan of rules. I like to defy what I'm told to do. :) my husband on the other hand. He completes me. He follows all the rules! He wears the right undies with his yoga pants! ;)
ReplyDeleteIf I saw a guy at the gym a) wearing yoga pants and b) had a thong whale tail spouting out over the top...it's safe to say my workout would be done. And I would be dead. Of laughter.
Deleteaaaand you know I was kidding about my hubby wearing yoga pants, right? ;) There was this guy at a gym I used to frequent that wore leopard spandex EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. So I see this as having three options, 1) He wore them stinky dirty sometimes, 2) He did a lot of laundry or 3) He had multiple pairs. And come to think of it, I could never see his undies. Hm. :)
DeleteFancy workout places have special workout thongs, like lulu lemon, but who wants to spend $50 on a thong (I'm just guessing at that price since everything in that store is so expensive!)!
ReplyDeleteThis post is hilarious && I'm not sure what I expected in the comments, but I'm definitely in the minority in that I wear nothing under my yoga pants and wash them after each wear. I blame this on my best friend who always made fun of me when i had VPL while we worked out. She didn't wear panties so I started copying her and now I can't imagine doing anything different. it seems weird but it's totally not && its wayyy more comfy than a thong. don't knock it til you try it! :]
ReplyDeleteAnd the Bravest Confession Award goes to...JESSICA!!!! And the Meanest Best Friend Award goes to...Jessica's Best Friend!!! ;)
DeleteI once heard about a woman who exercised in a thong or commando and I thought she was a lone bird…guess not! Yikes.
ReplyDeleteShapewear for women is surely a pattern that is not going anywhere soon for some time specifically since ladies will always be researching to seem their finest from the inside out. If you want to learn more about shapewear for women, this is my site: http://www.shapewearblog.co.uk/
ReplyDeleteOk, seriously didn't know there was a rule…and not sure why I am posting this for the whole wide world to read….but I have a major peeve with underwear lines and piking wedgies. Thong is the only way to go! My rule for gym attire…..please for the love do not wear nude or lightly colored compression pants. Not only do they make you look naked, they show off every little skin dimples (even if you don't have cellulite). You don't want that! Spare yourself and buy darker colored pants. PSA to those gym goers.
ReplyDeleteConfession: I had to google "VPL" to see what it meant.
ReplyDeleteAnother confession: I only wear Hanky Panky underwear (google it... I don't consider them thongs, but maybe someone does?), and that includes when I'm working out (which is approximately never right now, BUT I wear yoga/workout pants at least every other day anyway, so the issue is still relevant to me).
Don't kid yourself. HPs are definitely thongs.
DeleteI'm scared to Google it because who knows what will show up on my computer!!!
DeleteHa!! No fear, VPL=Visible Panty Lines. Nothing scary there...except the lines themselves. ;)
DeleteWay to build up the lipstick hype and then bail- looking forward to reading your tips! And I typically wear regular underwear with yoga pants because I'd rather do that than have my butt juggling around in hanky pankies while I work out!
ReplyDeleteSo I'll go out on a limb and admit that I wear full on Victoria Secret granny panties! My husband calls them "the grandma collection" but they are the most comfortable!! I wear compression Capri pants, and my workouts are a 2-3 mile run, or Zumba class. I'm not ashamed!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your post. This is excellent information. It is amazing and wonderful to visit your site.
ReplyDeletemens tank top
Good post!! I liked going through it and found it informative. Want to have a pair of Carbon38 mesh cut out leggings that I purchased couple of days back. Using them for my exercise and very happy with the comfort level. They are really good to use.