Sunday, March 8, 2015


It's Sunday night and I'm trying to avoid eating a bowl of ice cream. I bought the ice cream this afternoon because I'm anticipating a semi-to-extremely stressful week at work and I want to be prepared for post-work relaxation...but if I eat all the ice cream now, I'm back to square one. So in lieu of eating ice cream, I'll go for the road less traveled: a Sunday night post. And because it's been three months already, how about a little currently? Also, I'll mix in some unrelated BUT CUTE pictures from the weekend, because...well, because Millie's still cute, so it seems necessary. the sweet, sweet sound of silence and white noise coming over the baby monitor. Millie's naps were less than impressive today and we mostly heard screaming and/or adorable babbling and laughing (like...laughing at our weak attempts to get her to sleep, more like it) over the monitor throughout the day, so this is a pleasant change. Can we blame today's anomalies on the time change? Pretty please? Cause I've been waiting for that opportunity!

Listen, lady. I've got too much to do to sleep, okay? This activity thingy isn't just going to play with itself, ya know.
Eating...well, I'm not eating my Edy's Caramel Delight ice cream right now, so that's something, right? We made this Bell Pepper and Potato Frittata from Skinnytaste for lunch today and it was really good...we'll have the leftovers tomorrow night and I'm already pretty pumped about it. 

Drinking...nothing right now. I've fallen way off the gallon-of-water-a-day wagon. We had a few good months, and now I'm struggling to drink even half of that! Apparently my star sticker chart motivation wore off? Terrible.

Wearing...candy cane pajama pants and a really old UGA t-shirt. It's pretty avant garde. Oh but hey- at least Millie looked cute today! (subtle segue...)

A lady always rides side saddle. Good thing I'm a baby and can ride my fish-horse-thing however I want.
Feeling...excited! We got a new (to us) car this weekend! It's a dark gray Mazda5, just like we wanted. Matt went and fetched it in Atlanta (I know, I exciting road trips to New England. How extremely dull and local of us) on Saturday and it's been fun getting to "know" it. I am also feeling nervous because the gas thingy is on the RIGHT SIDE OF THE CAR. I mean, seriously. Are we savages now? RIGHT SIDE? I have never in my life had a gas thing on the RIGHT SIDE and if I'd known about this situation before I bought it, I might have thought twice. I just didn't think to check. Because I assumed that all of humanity came to an agreement that it only makes sense to have it on the left. I can't even imagine how bad it's going to be at the gas station the first 50 times I get gas and can't remember to drive up to the pump facing the other way. UGH. I consider myself a pretty smart girl and a safe driver, but I'm the first to admit I'm a terrible parker and judger of spacial things when it comes to driving. So $50 says that I'm either twelve feet away from the gas pump (or maybe I just hit it and run over it) the first time I attempt this awful business. Ugh. Right side. Really, Mazda.

There she is! Try not to be too in awe of my amazing car photography skills. Focus your energy on the missing gas thing... was beautiful today! The high was 74 and it was sunny and perfect. We spent lots of time in the yard, cutting back dead plants that should have been cut back 4 months ago. Oops.

Wanting...DANGIT I STILL WANT THAT ICE CREAM. This whole project is failing me. Other than ice cream, I want a massage. Yard work makes my back hurt.

Needing...nothing, really. It's a wonderful feeling. 

Thinking...well, this probably sounds weird, but lately I've been thinking about how I don't ever really have to try to think/recall things anymore. Like, if I'm wondering something...I just look it up or Google it. I'm never more than 4 feet away from an electronic device that can instantly answer my question. I don't have to actually think or make myself remember anything. And that's pretty awesome, but also...I think I'm getting dumber. So now I'm making a point to make myself try to remember things on my own without just immediately Googling them. My most recent example would be last night, as I was trying to fall asleep. For some reason (really, no clue...) I was trying to think of the names of all the Harry Potter books in order. I have no idea why. I just needed to. And for the life of me I could NOT remember Book 6. I probably spent...I don't know, 10 minutes, maybe (LONG TIME in trying-to-fall-asleep world), trying to remember. I reviewed the story lines. I TRIED!!!! And in the end I couldn't, so I grabbed my phone and Googled it and finally got some rest. I was mad at myself for giving in and Googling it, but at some point, a girl's gotta sleep. Half-Blood Prince, by the way.

Now you probably think I'm the weirdest person ever...but all I can think about is how I hope I don't get it in my head that I need to name all the presidents or something before I fall asleep tonight. Could be a long night.

Enjoying...the changing seasons and the fun and adorable changes in Millie practically every day. It's so much fun seeing what new things she can do- we volunteer in the church nursery once a month, and today was our day. So it's been a month since the last time we did it, but today it was just crazy how much more interactive she was with the toys and other kids. She hasn't been in there any since last month (she stays with us in the service still, unless we're volunteering), so it's not like she's been 'practicing' with these particular toys or anything...she's just learning so much and getting so much smarter, she knows what to do! Hence the 3,000 pictures from the nursery today. :)

Today I am a maestro, Mommy!! You sit right there and listen to me play.
P.S. I took an adorable video of her playing. Well, you know, the kind of video that maybe 11 people on earth will find adorable- BUT STILL. Obviously I want to share it, but I'm always crippled with uncertainty when it comes to video-sharing. What's the least obnoxious way? Embedding it on the blog? Facebook? Instagram? I never know, so I hardly ever share videos. I'm sure you're all just brokenhearted about it, too.

All the other kids can stand up around this thing? Well, then so will I. Dad, you stay right there for when I topple over.
Also...I'm sure we can all agree that it needs to hurry up and stay warm so that the whole world can enjoy Millie's fabulously juicy legs!! Look at those puppies!!! Major swooning.

Well, I'm out of currently questions and I still want ice cream, so...this was a failure in terms of diet-control, but a success in terms of I-really-should-blog-more-often. You win some, you lose some. I hope you have a great week...and that your brain doesn't pose impossible questions right when you're trying to fall asleep. Because it isn't fun.


  1. If you look at your has gauge there's a little arrow piinting to the side the tank is on. I might be the only person who didn't know that until well into my thirties. I still look sometimes.

    1. You know- I actually learned that about an hour ago when I was reading the CAR MANUAL (hahahaha...seriously can't figure out some things, though)!! I had never heard of that or noticed it before, but now I feel compelled to check in our other car and any other cars I happen to ride in! Too crazy!!

    2. Oh no I hope this doesn't keep you up now!

  2. Couple things. I meant gas gauge, and she is too cute and ready for spring!

  3. Sounds like lots of exciting things all around!! Millie standing! Watch out world ;) a new car! Can't wait to ride in it soon

    I hope you ate the ice cream as soon as you finished blogging. Ice cream is tasty :)

  4. Congrats on the new ride! Love the Millie update. PS do not talk to the pregnant girl about ice cream. It's just mean. ;)

  5. I used to have a gas gauge on the right side...DUMB!! I don't understand! But yay for a new car!

    Millie is A DOLL & you dress her so cute!! (At first i said "y'all" then realize, it's probably more you than Matt picking out her clothes. Ha!

  6. At first I thought you meant the gas pedal and I thought to myself, that's weird, is that even legal. Then I stopped being dumb and figured it out. Enjoy!

  7. Finally, the TIME CHANGE!! I am going to blame Millie's behavior yesterday on it for you, for no other reason than to convince myself that you have finally begun to realize that time changes are inherently evil.

  8. Um...I want to be as cute and have clothes as adorable as Millie! Also, I wish my pudgy thighs were classified as juicy instead of gross!
    Your new car is very nice. Congratulations! Good luck pulling into the gas station. You should only make the mistake 50 times!
    I just need to know...did you eat the ice cream?!?!

  9. The reason the gas gauge is on the right side is if you ever run out of gas on the side of the road, you would not be standing on the side where traffic would be driving past you. It's safer. My car is like that and you just get used to it.

    But the real question is when are they going to start making those freshly picked mocs in my size??

  10. You will love the Mazda5! I have one of my own and it handles like a dream. I've never been able to parallel park successfully until I owned this car, the turn radius is awesome.
    I was actually pretty excited to have my gas cap on the right side. We go to Costco for our gas and they only let you enter one way so there is always a longer line for the people that need gas on the left hand side now I get to cut everyone in line to get to the right side :)

    p.s. pretty sure this is my first time commenting, So hi, I'm Jill!! I don't remember how i found your blog, but I've been following along with your story for a little bit now :)

  11. Um I cannot even handle Millie's legs in that picture!!! LOVE!

  12. Re: your "thinking" paragraph- my similar struggle is with doing math in my head vs. using a calculator. Using a calculator feels like cheating and I'm almost certain that if I rely on it too heavily, my brain will turn into mush and I'll be admitted to a nursing home at age 40. But sometimes doing the math is hard and takes too long!!

  13. I wasn't thinking about how I was getting dumber until you mentioned it and now it's all I can focus on. Also thanks for providing the impetus for me to post today. And now knowing the gas tank on the right, we have to reconsider whether we'll actually ever be car twinsies with you :)

  14. I put videos on IG and fb. I figure tut is the easiest way to share. And she is adorable and I want to watch her play her sweet tunes :)

  15. I put videos on IG and fb. I figure tut is the easiest way to share. And she is adorable and I want to watch her play her sweet tunes :)

  16. She is just too cute!!!!! So so so exciting about a new car - congrats!

  17. Congrats on the new car, that is always exciting!! Boo on the gas being on the right side!! Who does that? haha

  18. Tamara @ The Jolly JamesMarch 9, 2015 at 8:20 PM

    Oh my word...that last photo, she is too much!! I'm obsessed with her outfit, cheeks and chunky thighs - love!

  19. I owe you several gallons of ice cream. : )

    Did you or did you not become a HP fan??? Pathetic. You should reread them every summer... I guess they always came out in the summer, so I reread them all each time a new one came out.

  20. My last car had the gas thing on the right side of the car and I STILL would pull in the wrong way after two years of owning it. It just should not be done!!

  21. That's funny, I've done the exact same thing--Harry Potter, specifically! Driving along (carpooling with the hubs) and suddenly, I just list off books and completely forget one and we can't figure out which one it is. I guess that's the rule of seven, though.

    1. Oh man, I'm glad I'm not alone- was it Half-Blood Prince that you couldn't remember, too?? Maybe that one is just particularly forgettable. :)


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