Friday, October 18, 2013

those bossy benefactors...

It's been too long since we've had a survey, hasn't it. Yes. Let's fix that.

Imagine that you're just going about your day and then ALL OF A SUDDEN a very generous (but bossy) person pops into your day. Let's call that person Erika. So Erika has had some wild idea that she's going to just GIVE YOU $100. For free! For nothing! All you have to do is SPEND IT. But Erika, in typical Erika fashion, has a lot of rules she wants you to abide by to play her little game.

You only get one hour. Whatever money isn't spent when the one hour is's gone. Disappears. BURNS. No one else can ever have it, so there's no point in saving any.

You only get one store. You can't change partway through your time. ONE STORE, so pick wisely.

You can only spend the money on YOU. Not your husband. Not your dog. Not your kid. Now, if you choose to buy like...a chair...well, sure, other people can sit on it. But this money is for you. No buying pajamas for your kid or a Halloween costume for your dog. NO.

You can't give the money away.

You can't spend it on something boring like bills. It has to be STUFF. From a STORE.

Alright. Can you abide by those rules? Then you can have the money. Choose wisely, and...go!

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.


  1. Just what I needed on this Friday morning ... I'm sitting in an online meeting (for the virtual school that I teach at) and I'm obviously not very engaged! ;)

  2. So does this mean you have $100 to spend and can't decide???

  3. what a fun friday morning post! except it makes me want to go spend money that I don't have. ha

  4. Now I need to go blog about spending my fake $100. It's like Brewster's Millions but much more fiscally responsible...

  5. Nothing like a good survey to wake you up in the morning!! I felt lame because I said having this spending spree would be both fun and stressful...but it's only because I would be making sure I was spending every penny perfectly and getting the best bargains so the free money wouldn't go to waste, and that part would stress me out. Otherwise it would be fun. Thanks for being such a good (fake) generous benefactor.

  6. Ohhh I wish this could come true :P Happy Friday Erika!!

  7. Does this mean you need to justify spending $100 at ulta? Ha!

  8. So when can I expect my money? I have a lot of shopping to do :)

  9. Target is life, the rest is just details.

  10. So, does the hot diaper bag count as "for me"? I mean, I'm the one who wants it and would carry it...

  11. We are just now getting Target stores in Canada. There is one opening up soon by my house. I stalk the progress every time I drive to work!

  12. Thanks for this! Now about that hundy.....

    I love your header!!

  13. Free money = clothes. Whether it's $10, $100 or $1000 :)

    PS Love the new look :)

  14. This is my favorite problem to have... money I'm being forced to spend $hopping! Shoes, shoes, shoes!!! Counting down the days til Black Friday!

  15. Heck $100 at Sephora is a no brainier for me! Love me some new brushes, lip color, maybe even a body wash. I wouldn't have to buy the things I "need"!

  16. I did not cheat and did the survey before reading the comments.. I also would pick Target and if it were $1,000 that would further solidify my choice.

  17. First of all: LOVE YOUR NEW BLOG DESIGN! Maybe I've seen it but I just haven't been paying attention, but LOVE!
    Also, your surveys crack me up! And this one stressed me out, yet was fun at the same time. I'm not sure if I love or hate that. LOL

  18. Target all the way! Also, I found a loophole: could I spend the money at a store and then return what I bought and just get cash? :)

  19. I'd choose Target or Wal-mart, because I'm really exciting like that. =)


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