Thursday, April 24, 2014

NIAW: knowing more

In honor of National Infertility Awareness Week's theme this year, Resolve to Know More, Lauren had the great idea to find non-infertility bloggers willing to host infertility bloggers for a day! I think that's pretty genius, because let's be honest. I'm preaching to the choir here. And I preach to yall frequently. You ladies know infertility already...probably better than you wish you did. So I think that a lot more awareness will actually be spread by doing what Lauren is making possible- speaking up in new places.

All of that said- you guessed it. You're gonna have to click to find my nonsensical ramblings post today. I'm hanging out and helping you (and a bunch of strangers) 'know more' over at Mom-a-logues for the day.  


  1. I'm honored to share your story - thanks for being brave enough to share it and your experiences.


  2. I LOVE this idea of posting on non infertility blogs... what a great way to spread the word and reach a different group! Awesome job (as usual).

  3. Thank you for sharing this! I've been going through infertility for awhile, and I lost my baby boys in January after an IVF cycle. I haven't "come out" to my family or friends yet, and I look up to those that have!

  4. Yay! Excited you participated b/c you are my FAVE in all of blogland! :)

  5. Loves ur post! Thank u for sharing (:

  6. Thanks for doing this, Erika. I feel bad that I've been so bad about commenting on blogs recently/ok, I've always sucked at it. Your words were perfect, funny, thoughtful, and straight to the point. Also. I just went to Ulta for the first time this month. I am an ULTAmate reward member now and I honestly thought of you while I was prancing around and finding all the pretties.

  7. Great idea!! Going to go read your guest post now. . .:)

  8. Love that you've become such a popular spokesperson for NIAW, but hate it at the same time :o/

  9. I basically want to say what Amanda J said. You are so eloquent but I so wish (and hope and pray) you could be writing about monogrammed onesies and zoo trips instead.


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