I'm sure this will come as a shock to everyone, but we spent most of the rest of our time thinking about and planning for the baby! Considering that we've known about her for barely over a week, I feel like we've accomplished a lot. Or at least thought about accomplishing a lot. I think that counts. And pretty much all of these things are 'firsts' for us, too, so that makes them extra-accomplishy (that's a word).
Baby-Related Accomplishments of Late:
1. Got a prenatal (heh heh, not really, but they call it that even when you're adopting) appointment with our first-pick pediatrician for mid-October!
2. Got our bloodwork/physicals scheduled/started for our homestudy.
3. Picked up some light reading and education at the library-
4. Used some coupons my super-sweet and helpful neighbor gave me and started our formula stockpile! Using the coupons and sales, I got one of these for free and one for about a dollar- sweet!
5. Networked with other adoptive families. So far I've been invited to join (and joined) a local 'Adoptive and Transracial Family Group' (with moms' nights and playgroups), had dinner with family friends that recently adopted their son via private adoption using the same attorney as us, discovered that a coworker I don't know well has two adopted kids (also transracial; she invited me to coffee as well!), found lots of new blogs to stalk...it's been a whirlwind!!
6. Worked on figuring out who/where I'm going to borrow all of Baby B's 'first two weeks' stuff from. (ouch, dangling preposition...sorry!!)
7. Received our first (beautifully wrapped!) baby present!! Even better-- no birds, owls, or pastel colors!! LOVE!
Note to self: |
9. Registered for ridiculous stuff I will never get and really don't need (like designer diaper bags...HAHAHAHA) just because it was fun and I can. Boom. Speaking of diaper bags...anyone who has ever had the pleasure of holding one of my 80 lb. purses in real life is probably already wondering: how on earth do I plan on adding even MORE weight to my shoulders? It's a valid question. That's why I'm going to ask the nice folks at Target if I can just register for one of their shopping carts. I think that'll be more practical for me than anything else I have to pile on my shoulders. Just a thought.
10. Freaked the freak out at church with everyone celebrating and congratulating. It was awesome. These people have been praying and fighting for us for so. many. years. This is their baby as much as ours. I have never seen so many people crying, hugging, high-fiving, and congratulating. It was awesome. Our baby is so loved already.
Well, now we're all bored stiff. Sorry 'bout that. Actually, I'm not bored. This is all pretty fun to me. :) This morning I have plans to speak with the social worker that will be doing our home study...hoping that goes well. We have physicals Wednesday. A meeting about my maternity leave on Friday. This is getting real fast!! So exciting!!
Happy Monday! I actually got some sleep last night, miracle of miracles...I feel like I can conquer the world today! Or maybe even upload my rock climbing pictures. Hopefully. Anyway. Have a great day!