Not that my blogs are ever particularly cohesive, but I think one reason I love linking up with E for Midweek Confessions is that I don't even feel like I have to try to make an attempt at cohesiveness. It's awesome. They're confessions! They're random! So yay. Giddyup.
1. One of the bizarre things I found myself doing last week (Mourning Week) was having this sudden need for The Perfect Candle(s). I haven't bothered much with candles in a few years (I think there was some health/fertility/artificial scents have some effect on estrogen? reason for this, but I've pretty much forgotten what it was) but suddenly I realized that my house didn't smell like fall and IT WAS NOT OKAY. So Matt and I spent a good chunk of time and change driving around town to every store and seeking out the perfect candle to set the mood in the house. We finally settled on these two from Bath & Body Works.
We've probably burned through 1/2 to 2/3 of the Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin one and it is faaaabulous. And I'm already feeling sad for when it runs out. Also, when I came back to work Monday, there was a random Yankee candle (in a Ginger Spice Cookie (or something) scent) on one of my shelves. My office frequently becomes a collecting/dumping ground for Random Stuff, so I don't know where this came from, but instead of trying to find the rightful owner...yeah, I just started using it. And it's awesome. So...that'll teach you to leave your random stuff in my office.
2. In Post-Adoption-Failure-Recovery-News, I think I'm making progress. Yesterday I decided to update both my Infertility page and my About Me page...I've had a lot of new blog readers stopping by since...ya know...and those two pages have gotten a lot of traffic. And they hadn't been updated in like...months. Old news. So anyway. I wanted to update them, but I also try to avoid talking/thinking/typing about it. BUT. Yesterday I did it and I didn't even cry, so YEAH. I briefly typed out the one-sentence version of the sad story- TWICE- and no tears? Either I'm healing or I need to see a psychologist because my emotional frigidity has reached new levels. One of those. Let's go with the former.
3. I feel horribly under-prepared for Christmas this year. Since our Christmas plans all pretty much revolved around a) having a newborn, b) being on maternity/paternity leave, c) being really poor due to Expensive Baby Stuff, and d) being deliriously happy because we had a baby...and well, now none of that applies...I just don't know what to do with Christmas. Despite that, I'm going to decorate this weekend. Hopefully if it starts looking festive, festive feelings will follow and I'll get my normal level of Christmas (and birthday) excitement back.
4. Catching Fire comes out this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!! Matt, Mollyanne, and I have our tickets for the Saturday 12:15 p.m. showing. I know. Who goes to the movies at noon? Hopefully just us and not a lot of stupid noisy teenagers, that's who.
5. Matt's growing out his annual Winter Lumberjack Beard (with my full support...until I decide it's too scratchy).
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Progress as of this morning |
Sorry, but if you don't think that the phrase 'beard holes' is hilarious, there's something wrong with you. We spend probably 80% of our waking time talking about the beard holes and it never stops being funny.
With that, I'm done. Have a great Wednesday, and may your beard holes not be too hurty.
I had other comments, but forgot them all from my hysterical laughing at "beard holes" haha!!
ReplyDeleteYAY! I'm so glad that you are going to see Catching Fire... I was hopeful that someone would be dragging you to see it! And 12:15 is SMART! I never go see HP, Hunger Games, etc on opening weekend because I can't deal with the teenagers... too old for that stuff!
ReplyDeleteMatt's "beard holes" are hilariously awesome! I tend to forget that growing a beard doesn't happen overnight for a lot of guys... Sam looks like that after two days, except no holes, just brillo pad scratch!
JB and I have our tickets to see Catching Fire on Saturday at noon! THANK YOU! Thank you for making me feel slightly less nerdy for seeing a movie in the middle of the day... Seriously, matinees are for old people! But this old lady doesn't feel like battling with opening weekend pandemonium and stupid teenagers who hang out at the movie theaters at night...and let's be honest, who am I kidding if I think I could stay awake for a late-night showing?? (So sad...)
ReplyDeleteAlso, it looks like I need to give Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin another current favorite at B&BW is Leaves. LOVE the way it makes my house smell!
Finally, JB uses my hair conditioner on his beard about once a week. Claims it makes a world of difference on those painful beard holes!
One of my good friends just brought me the Fresh Balsam candle and I can't WAIT to burn it!!! And I can't WAIT to see that movie next week with my SIL when she's in town!!
ReplyDeleteClearly beard hole is a medical term used by dermatologists. Matt is very smart! My husband is participating in No Shave November and I'm missing his "soft as a babies bottom" face.
ReplyDeletei cannot wait to see catching fire! i can't go this weekend because i'm going out of town but i hope that you love it! did you read the books or is it all going to be a surprise? either way, it will be great! happy wednesday!
ReplyDeleteBeard holes..I can say I have NEVER heard that one before! You guys are hilarious :) I love those bath & body works candles, they are a bit expensive but I think they are worth it. I may need to do a little retail therapy today and that will be on my list!
ReplyDeletelove these midweek confessions xoxox
ReplyDeleteHahahah beard holes hahahahaha awesome
ReplyDeleteSo, what exactly is a beard hole? Spots where the beard hasn't grown yet?
ReplyDeleteStill haven't caught on to the Hunger Games books/movies!
ReplyDeleteHahahahah beard holes!
Surprisingly enough, I never managed to go read your About Me or IF pages before. Very well done! And beard holes is the most hilarious thing I've heard in weeks!
ReplyDeleteI am psyched about the new Hunger Games movie!!! And anytime we go to a movie we always go before noon because before noon = $5 tickets. UM YES PLEASE. Plus at night the movie is overtaken by a zillion teenagers. We can't go see it this weekend but hope to asap!!
ReplyDeleteBeard holes! haha! That's cute! You guys seem like a fun couple! :)
ReplyDeleteI have the same Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin candle and a few others from Bath & Body Works. I hate how expensive they are and how fast we burn through them, so I bought a candle warmer about a month or so ago. :)
I noticed that you had updated your Infertility page last night and I was impressed you had done so already. As the daughter of a psychologist (which makes me really qualified to comment on this -- ha!), I would say that you are moving towards healing as opposed to becoming emotionally frigid. But you might want a second opinion on that :)
ReplyDeleteAnd "beard holes" in the most hysterically funny thing I've heard in a long time. I'm totally showing that to Dave because I think he will be able to empathize. Ha ha ha ha ha!!! If I see any product which would help with Matt's problem I will send it his way!
And I've been scheming about how to see "Catching Fire" in theatres. We had to watch "Hunger Games" on our computer and it wasn't near as dramatic.
Every time you do one of these, I start singing the Usher song :) Glad you are healing! I'm so excited for Catching Fire! Don't know when I will get to see it but it will be in the next few weeks! Peeta and Gale are waiting for us!
ReplyDeleteHaha beard holes! I'm gonna start calling my hubby's that! Glad to see you're having a reprieve. Grief takes time, goes through many stages/phases, and has times where it's not so bad and times it leaves you in the pits. You've been on my heart a lot lately. And I'm jealous you're seeing catching fire this weekend, especially since I'll be moving and would much rather be watching a (hopefully) good movie!
ReplyDeleteSweet cinnamon pumpkin is the best! I reccomand the lotion and hand soap as well!!
ReplyDeleteSo excited for catching fire. Beard holes = Hilarious!
ReplyDeleteBeard holes! Bahahaha! That's the best thing I've heard all week!
ReplyDeleteBeard holes. LOL!
I, too, feel horribly unprepared for Christmas this year! Here's to hoping our loved ones will forgive us...
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure beard holes is the official name, so matts good. We love going to noon movies but you have to be aware of old people. They can be just as bad as teens.
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I went to see a Gravity at 10am a few weeks ago. 10am!! It was our anniversary and going at that time saved us a bundle compared to going to the evening show. It was still great and I'm not embarrassed lol. We cannot wait for Catching Fire and are trying to figure out when we can see it this weekend! Have fun!!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, girl, you are killing it on the blog comments lately! #jealous
ReplyDeleteSecond, why have I never thought of beard holes?
Please remember CHRISTmas. . . . .
ReplyDeleteBeing prepared for the season is not abt your home, lights, cookies, presents . . . .It is abt where your heart is for Jesus. Is it open so we can receive his love.
Beard holes made me LOL.
ReplyDeleteBeard holes is pretty freakin' funny lol! Hmmm I might need me some holiday candles. :) Blessings to you, Erika. :)