SO! To our mutual good luck, I happened to discover that there is a portion of the Extreme Grammar Passion world that seems to overlap with the Graphic Design Skillz world and those two got together, had some babies, and voila (yes, that is the correct spelling. Please never, ever, ever, ever write 'wah-lah!' or anything else that looks like that. This tip comes to you for free. Thank me later.)-- a down-and-dirty infographic (or three) illustrating a Comma Issue that many people seem to struggle with: The Oxford Comma.
I love debating the Oxford comma because my position on the topic is so obviously right and it's just great arguing about something you are 100% positive you're correct about. That means that the other person is 100% wrong and needs to be shown the error in their ways and I just love being able to do that.
I'm going to let these awesome graphics (note: I DID NOT CREATE THESE. I will do my best to cite them, but they appear to be pretty rampant on the internet and I have no idea if these are the original sources) do most of the explaining here, but I suppose I could first at least tell you what the Oxford (also known as 'serial') comma is:
Exhibit A: I am asking for makeup, boots, books, and a baby for Christmas.
Exhibit B: I am asking for makeup, boots, books and a baby for Christmas.
In Exhibit A there is a comma after the word 'books.' That comma is known as the Oxford comma. In Exhibit B there is no comma there. Exhibit B is stupid.
And now I will let these cool pictures do the talking.
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I feel about grammar the way some people feel about football. Only my team always wins.
Now we will conclude with two touching graphics demonstrating why using the Oxford comma is critical.
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I think I've proven my point, right?
And now, to prove I'm a legit grammar professor, we're going to have a pop quiz about today's lesson. Please choose the correct answer below.
You can't tell from my addiction to the use of the ellipses, but I took three advanced writing courses in college... writing was my concentration within my minor of English. My teacher was amazing and we spent a great deal of time on commas (I'm pro Oxford), but her real pet peeve was apostrophes... not just on names that end in "S" but contractions. it's vs its... she'd blow sky high when she would talk about grad student applications using the wrong form. Awww, the good ol' days of a rowdy grammatical debate! I love your graphics! The second one certainly gets the point across!
ReplyDeleteBeing Canadian, I technically don't have to use the Oxford Comma, but JFK and Stalin, the strippers, are presenting a strong argument in its favour :)
ReplyDeleteOh dear, I hope we can still be friends. I don't use the Oxford comma, and it's likely that I never will. :-/
ReplyDeleteAlthough the argument for it is really strong, and I can't disagree with any of your points, it's just not the way I learned commas. And old habits are just terribly difficult to break. A prime example: training your thumbs to only press the space bar ONCE after a sentence instead of twice like we used to do in the olden you know how long it took me not to double tap that dang bar?!
We live in a very conflicted world, I tell ya. It's exhausting.
I'm only like a paragraph in...but I want you to know- "wahlah" is THE WORST. I hate it.
ReplyDeleteLoving the eggs/toast/OJ example in particular, and the 2nd choice on your survey made me laugh out loud (not an easy task)... so thanks!
ReplyDeleteOk this kinda confuses me, but at the same time wow. I would say the majority time I use it, but definitely remember learning that it's not a necessity. Based on this, I'm going to go ahead and use it!!
ReplyDeleteMore grammar lessons please! I love these!
ReplyDeleteGIRL. You are spot on with this. I teach it to my kids the obviously correct way, but I had someone else tell my students, "Well, some people say you don't need it, so you don't always have to include the final comma."
ReplyDeleteI wanted to scream right then and there.
I know the APA manual too well and therefore, am an Oxford comma user. I still need help with other commas though so keep the advice/graphics coming! Like in my first sentence. I feel like it needs an additional comma, but then it looks comma crazy.
ReplyDeleteAnd despite their creepy name, vampire weekend is actually one of my favorite bands to have on for cardio.
I learned not to use it in school, so that is why I don't. That being said, I can understand why it could be useful.
ReplyDeleteI was terrible in english so yeah. Sorry I'm the worst ever and feel like I shouldn't type anything that needs a comma now. ha! I will try to get something out of this though before you get out your wooden spoon and tap my hand with it as I type in error. :)
ReplyDeleteOh goodie, the Oxford comma. I prefer the Oxford comma because it just makes my life a lot easier. I do believe, however, that both methods are grammatically correct. The most important thing is consistency.
ReplyDeleteI first opened this post on my phone and for some reason the survey monkey did come up; however, I got sorts of excited that there would be quiz... like a quiz that tested our knowledge of commas.
ReplyDeleteSo I think there needs to be a future post where you quiz the readers on proper apostrophe and comma use.
Seriously loving the grammar lessons! Keep 'em coming.
ReplyDeletePS Now I'm kinda nervous my comments have punctuation errors... ; )
Well, you are officially now my Blog Hero. Next time you visit central IL, I shall present to you a shiny crown and coordinating sash that you may wear wherever you wish you spread your Grammar Gospel.
ReplyDeleteAlso? Best. Quiz. Ever. And the stripper If only I'd had that in my arsenal when I taught college freshmen....
I've never seen any of these graphics before, but I LOVE them. Some silly middle school teachers always tell my students NOT to use the Oxford comma, and then I have to re-train them in ninth grade. I will - for sure - be using these graphics next year! :) You are the best!
ReplyDeleteYou are a really awesome grammar guru!
ReplyDeleteWho knew? It has a name . . . . the Oxford comma . . . .Wow! sounds posh. Must be something classy people use.
ReplyDeleteHow you managed to keep a post abt commas humorous. Love it!
ps- Catching Fire GREAT I screamed when the monkey mutts popped on to the scene.
That info graphic is AWESOME! You know, I've never had strong opinions about the Oxford comma... I've worked at places that have wanted me to use it, and also places that have banned it. But after seeing this, I have to say you've inspired me to take a stronger stance. So you scored another member for your side. Bravo!
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome. I loved the other option in your survey. I chose to be correct, btw.
ReplyDeleteI most definitely judge people that do not use the Oxford comma. Based on my grammar snobbery, I actually judge a lot of people… oops.
ReplyDeleteI have always use commas this way and I didn't even know that it had a real name. Thanks for sharing the knowledge. :]
ReplyDeleteI didn't even know this "issue" had a name (I think I was absent the day the Oxford Comma was discussed in school. Or maybe the day all grammar rules were discussed in school), but I have always wondered what the heck I was supposed to do so THANKS! Love the cool graphics too.