Matt and I want to thank all of you for your constant stream of prayers and support the last few days. These have by far been the most awful days of our lives. Several times a day I find myself thinking something along these lines: "if this is the worst worst worst pain I can possibly imagine, then tomorrow will have to be better, right?"...and somehow that will help me survive another few minutes or hours. Or something. I probably don't even make sense.
Although we tried so very hard to be realistic about our adoption (remember The Plan?) and not get too emotionally attached to the idea of being parents...well...yeah right.
We were parents for two and a half days. We had a daughter. We held her and fed her and changed her diapers and didn't even bother trying to sleep the first night, we just took turns holding her. We said to one another: we waited five years for this baby...why waste time sleeping when we can be holding her? And for two and a half days that's what we did.
And now she's gone and we're back to being sad and lonely and even though it was only two and a half days, everything in the world reminds us of her. I tried to walk Lola this afternoon only to break down crying because it was cold outside, and the cold reminded me that it was cold in the hospital and we had to keep her wrapped up like a burrito because she made the saddest little squawks whenever she was cold.
I miss her so much. I think my heart will never be whole again.
And so we're home and we just sit around and cry and try to sleep and distract ourselves. We're watching ridiculous infomercials, we got Netflix, we're thinking about repainting the living room. I avoid the whole 'nursery-side' of the house like it has the plague. I'm afraid of my phone because I know there are a thousand pictures that I might accidentally look at and I don't know what to do with them. I want them off my phone, but not necessarily gone forever, but how do I do that without having to look at each one of them and put them somewhere? I have all of her stuff- from the bumpers, to her clothes, to things personalized with her name/monogram, to the paperwork naming us her legal guardians (that was fun for the one day it lasted)...what do I do with all of this stuff?
I'm overwhelmed with how cruel this whole situation seems. I'm not angry at our birth mom-- how could I be? It's no crime to love your child, to want to raise her. I can't find it in me to be angry about that. But I'm angry at the situation. I'm angry that if God in his infinite wisdom could SEE HOW THIS WAS GOING TO END...why make us go through it at all? Why all of the signs, the dreams, the 'God moments' that gave us hope and made us think that this was our chance? THAT I cannot handle. THAT is what hurts. This story has no redemption, no point other than pain.
To cry out for a child for FIVE DAMNED YEARS and then get one for THREE STUPID DAYS? Is this some kind of sick joke?
And yet we keep clinging to God...old habits die hard, I guess. I have no idea what to even pray for. I keep squeaking out a teary Jesus, please and that's as far as I make it and I hope it's enough.
Thank you for every single kind comment, email, text, tweet, and...have I covered every medium of communication? I'm sorry that I've responded to exactly ZERO of them, but I promise that I am reading and appreciating each one. Responding is just more than I can handle right now. I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing right now-- processing? healing? moving on? denying? distracting myself? and so it seems like I'm pretty evenly splitting my time between distraction and crying...and hopefully at some point I'll move on to something more productive. In the meantime, we deeply appreciate your continued prayers and kindness. We feel broken and empty but definitely not alone, and we are incredibly thankful for that.
I've started my comment twice and I cannot come up with the right words to write. Please find comfort in knowing how many of us are praying and thinking about you and Matt constantly.
ReplyDeleteWhat a tremendous loss for you guys. I continue to pray and think about you (is that creepy since I don't actually know you?!), but am sending lots of hugs your way.
ReplyDeleteNot to go all logistical on you, but you mentioned not knowing what to do with the pictures, etc. Do you have a trusted friend you can ask to have them move the pics from your phone onto a folder that you can go back to when you're ready? Also, it sounds like you are already experiencing this, but the little tiny reminders (like formula coupons in the mail) are sometimes way worse than an obvious one. I pray that you find comfort as you get through this, second by second, minute by minute. <3
That's a really good idea about the pictures. Now I hope that one of my friends who lives in town will read this and offer to do it for me. ;) And yeah...need to figure out how to unsubscribe from all the coupons/registry emails/etc...ugh. :(
DeleteWonderful idea about the pictures. Make yourself a keepsake box with pictures and items you will treasure. Some day (though it seems impossible right now), you will want those memories to reflect on.
DeleteGirl, we can TOTALLY make this happen. Seriously. Just say when and where. We can get your phone, your email, the room cleaned up in a heartbeat.... I can even search for hundreds of things on google like paradise vacations and mojito recipes so all the dumb google adds disappear from your computers. Just say the word... I don't want to show up unannounced, but I'll be there the minute you say go.
DeleteErika, this is truly just heartbreaking. There are no words, but I am praying for you!
ReplyDelete"Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words." Romans 8:26
ReplyDeleteThis is often times a comfort for me when I can't imagine what to say to God. I'm pretty sure, "Jesus" is enough. He knows the rest. Keep talking, even in those moments when you will have nothing kind or seemingly appropriate to say, and know that so many of your readers and friends are talking too.
My heart hurts so much for you and Matt and this crappy situation you are going through. I can only imagine it feels like you a mourning a death. I don't know that this will ever make sense, but I'm praying for you as y'all walk through this.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry that this turned out this way. When I read the news on facebook, I got lightheaded and felt like I was going vomit and my own heartache came immediately flooding back. I'm sure well meaning people have (or will) say that you will one day "get over this." I don't think this at all. I do believe that God can help heal your heart and you can learn methods to cope, but I do not think it really "goes away." Much like a miscarriage, a failed adoption is a death of dreams. I've cried off and on for you and I have prayed and prayed. From a practical perspective, I can tell you what we did after we found out that we would not be adopting Annalise. I asked Brandon to pack up her things. I didn't trust anyone else and I needed to know that her things were going to be okay, but perhaps a local friend could help you with that (and the pictures as mentioned above by a previous poster.)
ReplyDeleteLittle things caught me off guard. Like when her doctor's office called to remind me of her appointments. Maybe someone could call the pediatrician's office for you as well.
Another thing that caught me off guard is that I went through periods of wanting to talk about Annalise, so that she would be "remembered" and not being able to speak of Annalise. Don't feel guilty either way. Please know that I'm available 24/7. Even if you just want to cry on the phone and speak where I cannot understand you. And remember that God is big enough to take your disappointment, anger, frustration and sadness. ((ERIKA and MATT))) We are always praying for you, even when you don't know what to pray for yourself.
My heart hurts for you. I am thinking and praying for you.
ReplyDeleteI love you guys so much and am so sorry this happened to you. Prayers from Bama.
ReplyDeleteNo words... Just prayers & hugs for you, Matt and both of your families.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry, Erika. Stephanie is so wise in saying that God is big enough to handle your anger, pain, hurt, frustration. It is ok to be mad at Him. Being mad at God and telling him how you feel does not mean you do not have faith in His ultimate plan, it just means you are human. Hugs to you friend. Praying daily for both of you. I am so sorry you are hurting.
ReplyDeleteI'm truly sorry that you had to experience this turn of event. Just know so many people inlcuding myself, pray for you both on a daily basis.
ReplyDeleteErika - I am just so sorry. I think all of your "God questions" would be asked by anyone going through this. Try to remember that people have free will and God doesn't "make" a lot of things happen; people do. I have a feeling God is up there watching you and Matt brokenhearted for you both. I don't know what to say other than to echo everyone else...I am so sorry and I am praying.
ReplyDeleteI just realized that it sounds like I am trying to place the blame on a particular person/people for this while that is not the case. I just think it is important to know that Jesus, the Shepherd, doesn't want his sheep to suffer...God doesn't want that for you, either. Free will allows all sorts of things to happen and He watches and helps us recover and heal.
ReplyDeleteHolding your family close to our hearts. Praying for you both.
ReplyDeleteFather, Redeemer, Healer. Matt and Erika are hurting. Please help. Amen.
There really are no adequate words... praying for peace and for you all to know that He is working even this sucky situation for your good!
ReplyDeleteThere are no words that anyone can say to ease the pain of loss. Please know that my husband and I are holding you close in prayer… praying for peace and healing. Hoping that whatever God's plan is that it reveals itself and eases the pain.
ReplyDelete"I have no idea what to even pray for. I keep squeaking out a teary Jesus, please and that's as far as I make it and I hope it's enough."
ReplyDeleteYes. It is enough. The Lord knows your heart. He knows your pain and the awful feelings that you are dealing with. He will meet you where you are. And when He does, may He cover you with his peace and the type of healing that only He can provide.
I have no idea what to say. I am shocked and sad and angry with you. Many many prayers for peace and some kind of redemption in this.
ReplyDeleteOh Erika, my heart hurts for you and Matt. You are continuously in my prayers and I just wish there was more I could do. Take the time you need to grieve and don't worry, we will still be here for you when you return.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm mad at God on your behalf so I'm not at all surprised that you are too. Keep giving it all to Him. I trust that someday, somehow, there will be redemption for your story even if it can't be seen right now.
And it just plain SUCKS that this is your life right now. I'm so sorry.
I understand your silence over the past few days, but I'm glad you posted so we were all able to "hear" your voice and know that you are ok (or rather, as "ok" as you can be given the circumstances). I've heard people compare this kind of situation to a miscarriage, and while I'm sure some of the feelings/emotions are the same, I don't even want to imagine the pain of holding a baby in your arms for any amount of time and then having to give them up against your will... can't fathom it.
ReplyDeleteBut as you said, you and Matt are definitely not alone right now. Know that you are being thought of and prayed for by so very many people, even people you have never met or spoken with before, and God WILL bring good out of this!
Is it okay to say I'm just a wee bit pissed at God right now? I'm with you... infinite wisdom and all that... a sign, a "no, not that way", ANYTHING would have been nice to prevent this disaster. I know He is God and I am not, but sometimes (okay, a lot of times) I don't understand The Plan. I am so very, very sorry that this is a part of your story. It SUCKS, my friend, just sucks! I have no great spiritual reason why this happened, or what the greater good is, but I'm praying that there is one. Love you so much, friend! Please let me know if there is ANYTHING you need!
ReplyDeleteSweet friend, my heart breaks. I wish I had the right words to say, but I don't. When we were going through our loss, my best friend told me "It will get better" and I wanted to slug her.....but you know what, each day gets a little better and your heart starts to heal. You can look back on those days and cry less. Those are victories. It still hurts, but you can remember your sweet little girl. I so wish we didn't have to go through these things, but I know that God has something big in store. Don't worry about being distant or anti-social during this time. We got Netflix and watched more movies than I can count and for 2 months straight watched every episode of Fringe. It's okay. You need to heal. I am here for you if you need anything. Love you!
ReplyDeleteI am totally on call for you, anytime you want someone to get the pictures put somewhere else or help with anything else you think of. I will be there in 20 minutes anytime you ask. Or, you know, if you just want someone else to watch Netflix with. I'm good at that too.
ReplyDeleteOh Erika.... My heart is broken for you.... I don't even have the words to tell you how much you've been on my mind and in my heart. Sending so many hugs your way. xoxoxo
ReplyDeleteI am so very heartbroken and sorry for what you guys are going through. Know that we love you and are praying for you. If we can do anything just ask.
ReplyDeleteI am just so so so sorry friend. I can't imagine and wish there were words I could say to actually make you feel better, but I know there aren't. Lifting you up in prayer! Virtual hugs!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am so so sorry this happened. I know there is nothing anyone can say that will help, so please know that I am lifting you up in prayer and asking God for healing and hope in this awful situation.
ReplyDeleteMy heart is hurting with you for your loss. I know the only one who understands your pain is Jesus. He gets it. I know I don't. If you have no strength to pray and at are loss of what to say, just whisper His name. Love you dear friend and praying for healing.
ReplyDeleteI won't pretend to know what this feels like, because I don't. I won't try to offer any sage advise or (worn out) words of wisdom. Nevermind the "this too shall pass" and "time heals all wounds," you deserve this time to grieve. You're allowed to be sad and it's okay to be've earned the right to kick and scream and eat gallons of ice cream straight out of the carton if you so choose. As much as I wish I could take even an ounce of your pain away, I know that I can't. But if there is anything that I can do, please know that I'm here to help in any way, at any time. Sending you guys lots of love and hugs!
ReplyDeleteI don't even know you but have become so invested in your story and was praying so hard that you would finally have your happy ending. There are no words to express how sad I am for you guys and it's just so hard to understand why you would have to go through something so excruciating. This may be a silly idea because I know you would never ask for donations or anything, but you clearly have a huge following of people that want you to get your happy ending. If everyone donated just $50 little dollars, you could potentially afford to try a round of IVF. I know I would jump at an opportunity like that for the chance at you guys being able to just try something new, even though there are no guarantees. I hope one of your good friends reads this and tries to spread the word so us "strangers" who are so invested can help. In the meantime I'm praying time will help you see the light at the end of the tunnel and ultimately you have to believe that you guys will get your happy ending. Don't stop fighting.
ReplyDeleteGod does give us more than we can handle sometimes. And I have no idea how time manages to keep passing during these horrible days for your and Matt. I know they will pass but for now, I grieve for your pain, for the loss of Ellison, and the cruel outcome of this. You and Matt are meant to be amazing parents. I'm so incredibly sorry and baffled that it wasn't to Ellison.
ReplyDeleteI don't really have any words that will help to ease this pain Erika but I just want you to know that I have been thinking of you and Matt no stop and I'm sending lots of love your way. ((HUGS)) xoxo
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry! I can't help but think of the song Bless the Broken Road. Praying for strength and for the baby that will be yours.
ReplyDeleteIt's a miracle when a relationship with God survives something like this. A miracle. I totally get what you say that it's the messages you experienced from God, that he spoke to you about this baby, being the hardest thing to accept. Its a HUGE blow to your relationship with him. I can only imagine the eternal rewards and glory that will be yours (and His) each time you have even attempted to not abandon him. I have the utmost respect for you, and my heart aches for you. I'm so so sorry you have to go through this. You don't deserve it. You don't deserve this pain. I'm so sorry.
ReplyDeleteOh Erika ... I can't tell you how sorry I am that this has happened. Ugh, seriously it's unreal. I am so, deeply sorry.
ReplyDeleteI can't even fathom the depth of your grief, disappointment and sorrow right now, I can't stop sobbing for you. I know that you know that you aren't alone down there, even though it is dark and thoroughly terrible. I pray that God surrounds you with the strength of his love and the reminder to lean on him, for He is the only one with the strength to carry you through this. Don't feel like you have to do anything except heal and pray. Colorado is sending all her love to you both.
ReplyDeleteOh, Erika. "Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted." Praying for comfort and peace and for Ellison and her mom. We are so heartbroken for you.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry that this happened. How incredibly heartbreaking. You'll never forget your love for that little girl, but I hope time can help you heal & that you have wonderful things awaiting you in your future.
ReplyDeleteErika, I am so so so sorry that all of this has happened to you. I ran across your blog recently and have been praying for you and Matt. I was in this same situation last year and it left me heart broken, I like you questioned why He would do this to us. He did answer our prayers. We had a friend (who heard what happened with our adoption) offer to have a child for us. It blew us away as we weren't particularly close with her before. She said she felt God had called her to help us. The pregnancy and adoption was wonderful and I cherish how close we have become and the new family we gained. He really does work in magical unexpected ways. I know that there is a baby out there somewhere for you. I cannot wait to see how He has in store for you. Prayers are being sent from Florida ~ Chloe.
ReplyDeleteI don't know you, but I feel as I sorta do since I've been reading your blog for a while now, and I just want to let you know that prayers are being sent your way. I love God, but I will never understand why these seemingly pointless things happen. We struggled with infertility (how I found your blog) and then I got pregnant. And then I lost the baby. I still cannot understand why that happened to us, and the pain is still very real. But it gets better. It still hurts when I think of it, and I still don't understand why it happened, just like I don't understand why this happened to you both. I do know that when I got pregnant again and fortunately gave birth to my son just eight months ago, it was the best day of my life. And I am confident that God has a special plan for you both and that some how, some way, you will be parents. I cannot imagine that such super awesome people who are clearly meant to be parents, will not get that opportunity. Sending heart-healing thoughts your way. *hugs* from a virtual, but caring, stranger :)
ReplyDeleteHi Erika, I'm a new follower. We have been ttc for 3 years and finally got pregnant with twins after 3 IVFs; I have never felt so loved/blessed by God. 3 weeks ago my water broke on the lower twin and a week later I went into labor and had to deliver a perfectly healthy little girl at just 18 weeks who was born still. I'm still pregnant with her brother but he is in a risky grave situation. I too have gone through the "is this a sick joke?" question but my faith is still strong . I read your story and told my husband that I bet you guys feel the exact way we do. Hurt, lost, shocked, confused. I don't know the "why" but I am counting on Him to make things right.
ReplyDeleteHi Erika,
ReplyDeleteI'm a new follower and my name is Erika as well. The closest I've come to a baby is a failed IVF. I too thought there were signs that all would work out and it didn't. I went so far as to denounce God. How could he be so cruel? I felt every ounce of your pain in this post. There are no words to make you feel better. Just go through your grief. There's no timetable. Although I couldn't and can't see it for myself. I have to believe that for you, something great has to be one the way. I wish you and your husband the best.
I really don't know what to say that hasn't been said but know that you and Matt are in our thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure I know what to pray for or the words to pray it, but please know that I am praying for you and for Matt.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteI think you an angel for not being mad at the mother. I'm a lesser woman than you, because there is no way I wouldn't have to get over my anger over all of this, just being honest. I'll be angry for you, ok? Even though the Lord may have KNOWN you were going to go through this, HE KNEW you could handle it. He cannot control our actions, the mother chose to take her back, but He can provide the special blessings you will gain during this horrible time. Please know that there are angels around you and that you are strong enough to endure this.
ReplyDeleteYou could be angry at the mother for deciding to keep the child she conceived (possibly in love), who has her blood running through her veins, carried for 9 months, who felt every kick for 40 some weeks, and then gave birth to? Do you have any idea how hard it is to give birth to your child and the surrender him/her? People here are acting like someone died! No one died. This is really a happy story for the birth mom and baby, it just sucks for Erika that her waiting continues. That REALLY sucks for her and I feel so bad that they can't just have a baby but it doesn't entitle them to someone elses baby. We don't get to be angry that someone didn't sacrifice her own baby just to satisfy your beliefs Miss Whitney. I'll tell you one thing for sure, and I say this from expericne with both sides of adoption (multiple members of my family have been adopted and a couple have given up their babies), it's a hell of a lot more painful to give up a child who is your own from the moment of conception than it is just watching a perfectly healthy, alive baby leave the realm of possibility of being yours after just meeting her and never really having any relationship to her (by blood or law) yet. How dare you be angry at a woman for wanting to keep her own child. Erika's refusal to be angry at the birthmother shows how strong she is, but it doesn't make her an angel it makes her a decent human being. Tt'd be incredibly selfish and cruel to be angry at a woman for not giving up a piece of herself in the way that adoption requires. The irony is that everyone is upset for the pain Erika is feeling (of course she's in pain, who wouldn't be) but then we rarely acknowledge that this is exactly the sort of pain (though arguably more, since it's a bio child) that birth mothers experience whenever giving up a baby to fullfill someone else's dream of being a parent. Adoption can be a wonderful thing, but it is also often a very dark thing for one side or the other. You don't get to be angry at a woman for giving birth to and raising her own child. A lot of women change their minds after experiencing birth, and she had every right to. Erika (I hope) knew this was a risk when she entered this situation.
DeleteReally Elizabeth, i think what Whitney was trying to say is it is human nature to feel angry. And she was admiring Erika for not feeling that way. Nobody said that adoption is easy for the birth mother. But it still hurts and sometimes anger comes along w it. Not exactly angry that she didn't give up her own blood but angry at how it turned out that all this time she was so sure then changed her mind at the last minute. It's wonderful that the birth decided to keep her own child...let's pray she is able to give her the life that she deserves...but that does not change the fact that Matt and Erika lost the baby they had their hearts set on. So NO, nobody died but i bet it sure FEELS like it! Antway, this was totally not posted by Whitney for you and i to dissect and grumble over. She was trying to be supportive of Erika at a very hard time and I, too, admire Erika for not feeling a very human, NORMAL emotion at thus time.....
DeletePlease don't think lessor of me for my opinion (or all of my type-o's-obviously, I should have let my 12 year old proof read it). I just fekt like i agreed w Whitney but not in any hatred toward the birth mother. I just felt like her thoughts needed to be defended because I fekt like you took them personally and they don't actually read that way....
DeleteErika, this story will have redemption and does have a point, though I know it's impossible to see that right now. I don't have any magic answers for you and I don't know why you're having to go through this pain but please, please don't give up on adoption. I absolutely believe that God has a perfect plan for you and bringing your family together. Keep calling out to Him and trusting Him. Someday, in retrospect, you will be able to look back and understand why you had to go through this. We went through similar feelings when we lost all 8 of our adopted embryos and didn't know why God had led us to that path when He didn't intend to grow our family that way. Please know that I am praying for you.
ReplyDeleteYou have been on my heart a lot. Praying for you guys constantly. I'm glad you keep posting and sharing your life with us (even if the situation totally bites right now). I really admire what you said about the birth mother. What an incredible example of God's love in you.
ReplyDeleteI am praying for you and Matt and I really really really hope that whatever God plan is for this, that there is happiness coming soon!!!!
ReplyDeleteSent you an email, but also want to leave more love here. We're all here for you, and I just know that better days are ahead. You're absolutely right, it can only get better.
ReplyDeleteI can't wrap my mind and heart around what you are going through, and I know there are no words that will help. When my grampa passed away, my gramma couldn't fathom survivng the pain of an entire day, so she told herself just to make it through the hour. When the hour was too long, she just had to make it through the minute. I am praying for you, for your days and your hours and your minutes. Hugs.
ReplyDeleteI am so happy to know you and M don't feel alone. H&P* from ca.
ReplyDelete(*hugs and prayers)
You are allowed to grieve.
You and Matt did not deserve this, not after this seemingly endless journey. Saying that I'm so very sorry is just not good enough right now… I ache for you both, and want to remind you that you do have each other and although this is nothing but sucky and awful and not right, lean on one another and don't forget how strong your love is. xo
ReplyDeleteErika, I am so sorry for this devastating ordeal. We are all here... sending love. I'm keeping you in my prayers...
ReplyDeleteGirl, I have no words. Just know I'm praying for y'all.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry.
ReplyDeletei've been praying for you all day. i'm so sorry you have to go through this.
ReplyDeleteThere are no words---my thoughts are with you.
ReplyDeleteI am so, so sorry. There are no words... just thoughts and many, many prayers.
ReplyDeleteErika & Matt -
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to tell you again how sorry I am. I also wanted to tell you that I firmly believe that God will use this situation for his glory. I know it doesn't feel that way right now and it may not for a long time. After trying to get pregnant for a 1.5 years (I know, not 5+ years) and having "help" for three months in a row, I finally got pregnant with not one but two babies, identical twins. Due to complications, I delivered them both alive at 19 weeks gestation. They died within 2 hours of delivery. While it was a horrible thing to have happen, good did come from it. I have been able to be there for other women who have lost their babies during the 2nd trimester. Even with being diagnosed with breast cancer this year, I have been able to be there for others as they have been newly diagnosed. While it is impossible to know what to pray right now, as you know, you will survive. Not only will you survive though, you will be even stronger and be there for others as they unfortunately experience heartbreak as well. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with both of you.
My heart is broken and I'm sitting here at my school during lunch crying for you. I'm so sorry.
ReplyDeleteAdoption always comes with heartbreak. Probably the worst sort of heartbreak that exists. Because you are my friend and I have followed your journey, I am so sad that the heartbreak this time is yours. And oh how excruciating it must be! You say that you don't think your heart will ever be whole again. As a mom who's suffered loss, I can tell you that you're right - it won't ever be whole again. But I have learned that my forever-broken heart works a helluva lot better than the whole one that I used to have. This will be my prayer for you.
ReplyDeleteAlso, you do not have to pray right now. Your two-word pleas to Jesus are more than enough. The Holy Spirit promises to hear our hearts and go to God on our behalf when we can't. And you also have an ARMY of people carrying this to the Father for you until you feel like you can do it yourself again. I am so glad that I get to be part of that army. I have been praying like crazy.
Most of all, I'm just so dear friend.
Sending love your way.
ReplyDeleteIt is really amazing! I contacted you in regards of my lover. He no longer wanted to associate with me anymore. He was interested in working out his marriage, after begging and pleading with him I realized it was out of my hands, he really was leaving me. My co-worker went threw a similar situation and she told me that you had helped her. I cant say how much I'm grateful she introduced me to you. After discussing the resolution with you, your getting your lover back spell has done more than what I expected. My lover not only came back to me,but he has left his wife and now were are engaged, we are getting married next year, I don't know what I would have done without you. I believe in you,you are my guardian angel.if you need his help contact email address dr
ReplyDeleteI have been sack in my working place for the pass 1years plus now and I have been trying everything within my power to go back to my work again but it didn't work for me until I met a man called Dr, aduga the spell caster on the internet who help me to cast a spell and after 3 weeks letter I was called at my working place which has never happen for the pass 1year plus now and I was surprise that the director said that I should come and resume office again and they will pay me my 1year plus salary I was so excited and am really appreciate what DR aduga the powerful spell caster has done for me and if you have any problem quickly run to him and your problem will be solved contact his email on dr
The example you gave of how to pour love over that sweet little girl will stay with her and the people around her all their lives. I'm so sorry you are going through this sad time.
ReplyDeleteOh Erika. I'm in tears right now. I'm so so sorry this happened. Your heart is shattered in a million pieces and rightly so. It is not fair. I'm so thankful you've received such an outpouring of love and support. Sending healing prayers and hugs your way.
ReplyDeleteHave been thinking about y'all and praying all week. My heart breaks with you and I pray you find comfort in eachother
ReplyDeleteHi Erika--I've never commented before but have followed you for the past year or so. I just logged on tonight and saw your devastating news. I am so, so, sorry. It is so unfair and just so crappy. I wish there were better words, but there just aren't. You, matt and your families will be in my prayers during this sad time.
ReplyDeleteHi Erika, I have been reading for a while, but have never introduced myself. I just want to say that we have tons of pictures of Jackson on our phones as well and I wanted the same thing. Please let your friends who live close put them a file for you and keep them. Don't be too hard on yourself either, I didn't go to the nursery side of those for a long time and had my family come and get all the baby things out of our house. Let other's help you during this time. I really struggled with allowing them to help but once I did it really made everything easier. Praying for you.
ReplyDeleteReading this post is like reliving our failed adoption all over again. My only bit of wisdom is this - grieve however you want. There is no blueprint to this and there is more grace than you can imagine. You have gone through something traumatic, but God is still here. He loves you so very much and my prayer is for comfort for your heart and peace for your mind.
ReplyDeleteHugs from NC.
New reader here... I'm so sorry that this happened to you and am so impressed by your strength. Thinking of you.