Mattie and his new 'toy', the miter saw (?)...it's necessary to cut the floorboards to the correct length. And to look super manly.
Getting the floor started in the master bedroom. Matt making phone calls trying to figure out what to do!
Anyway, so things are moving along, but I can't wait to be done with it and moved in and not WORKING every waking minute of every day.
I did, on a whim, as off for this Friday, giving myself a nice little 3-day weekend. Matt still has to work, so I'll have a whole day free. Hopefully I will find something better to do than spend the whole day working by myself at the house! If only there were a beach within easy day-trip distance...*sigh*
On an unrelated but sucky note...all school district employees got letters this weekend informing us that (due to budget cuts) the school district will no longer be paying anythingtowards our health insurance. Effective July 15, my insurance premiums will increase from ~$17/pay period to ~$100/pay period. WHAT??? You obviously think you pay me more than you do! So this is a ridiculous cure to the budget problems...taking the money from the people that make the least. Ugh. And this is for health insurance that is not even that good to start with. So now we're going to beg Matt's HR to let me get back on his insurance. Hopefully this will qualify as a "life event" worthy of making mid-year insurance changes. His is just as expensive, but it's at least decent healthcare.
Anyway...just some mid-day rants...Happy Monday!
However...a little paint (on the walls, that is) makes them look a LOT better!! I think I'm going to love my kitchen! (Appliances don't hurt, either)
Living room: Now
Master bedroom: Before
Master bedroom: Now (and YES that's the exact same paint that we have in our current bedroom. Why mess with a good thing?)
While this will interfere hardcore with our current plans for 2 a.m. (sleep), Matt loves his brother a lot...and he's a quick-thinking opportunist, to boot. In exchange for the late-night taxi service and bed, little bro will be contributing 4 hours of manual labor to Operation: Fix Our House tomorrow. LOVE IT.
On Mattie's to-do list: Fixing a toilet problem in the guest bath. He tackled it with a venegeance and 2 hours later, emerged successful. Go Mattie!
Lola handled the sitting, staring out windows/doors, and whining. She does her job with great dedication. (Note: that's this little patch of laminate floors that the previous owners left...the rest of the living room must have had carpet, which they tore up, but they left this little patch of laminate. Thanks a lot, now we have to tear it up.)
The dining room and our only current interior furniture. Swanky, huh?How I feel about the amount of work required (by me) to make this house live-able. Eeek. Overwhelmed.
What I accomplished today: taping off all the baseboards, windows, and doorframes in the living room. Still have to do the (really high) ceilings. But it's a start...and for a girl that feels like crap, it was a solid start.
We made it back home at a much more decent hour tonight, stopping by the Bojo (Bojangles) on our way back in for dinner. In case you've never met me...I have a burning passion for the Bojo and their chicken and biscuits (and everything else they serve). Moving out closer to the Bojo will NOT make me sad. It won't make me skinny, either. Oh well.
That's all I can update for now. My mug of hot chocolate is empty and my bed is calling my name. But if you happen to be in the Athens area (or you want to be) and you have a hankerin' for home improvement this weekend...just give me a call. I maybe could even sweeten the deal with a little Bojo run...no one can resist that!