Friday, June 7, 2013

a camping conundrum

Growing up, my family did a lot of camping during the summers. This kind of camping:

...the kind where you sleep in air-conditioned campers next to the lake. The kind where there are public showers and bathrooms available whenever you want them, access to electricity, and plenty of feeling like you're 'roughing it'...without things actually ever getting too rough

I loved it. There was so much for kids to do! We rode our bikes everywhere, went skiing and swimming all day, and ate smores by the fire every night. My parents did all the hard work (like cooking without a lot of normal appliances) and I was happy to mooch off their labor and have a delightful week by the sea lake. 

During college, I experimented with another kind of camping: backpacking. This was not nearly as cushy. My girlfriends and I would pack all of our gear into backpacks, drive a few hours north to the Appalachian Trail, and take off for a weekend of walking, walking, walking, and eventually setting up our tents, eating some crackers, and passing out on the hard ground from exhaustion. Then we'd wake up and do it again. Although this was not exactly a relaxing way to spend a long weekend, it was a lot of fun. We were Wilderness Women! (I have awesome pictures, too, but they're all on my computer at home- boo) We were hardcore! We could start our own fires and pitch our own tents and carry our own bear spray and it was awesome! So that kind of camping was really fun too.

Then the years go by, my bones get older, and Matt and I decide to join my parents on one of their camping trips. But being old, married, and independent, we decide we will bring our own tent and have our own sleeping quarters...while still having access to my parents' amenities for cooking and such. But ya know. We'll sleep in the tent.

That lasted for about... one night. Are you kidding me? Who would sleep on the hard ground in a freakin' hot tent (WITH A FIFTY POUND DOG) when there's a bed in the air conditioning merely ten feet away? Not this girl, that's for sure. Not at this stage in life. Sleeping in a tent is misery, and don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise. We quickly moved into the camper with my parents and all was well in the world again.

My parents are still frequent campers. In a camper. I still enjoy tagging along long as there's room in the camper. I feel like I can safely say that my days of sleeping in a tent are all behind me, unless I ever happen to go backpacking again. But in general, I would have to say camping isn't really my favorite form of recreation or vacation. It's a lot of work, and I feel like as an adult, I need to help with the work and not just let my parents do it all. And when I'm on vacation, I'd rather be slothing and letting someone else slave away...not sweating over a campfire and beating flies away from the grill. So we don't even really join my parents camping very much. 

But earlier this week I was checking out this girl's blog and she was recapping a family camping vacation at the beach, and I must say: holy cow. I want to go camping there. It just came over me-- this burning desire to camp! In a camper, of course. I didn't go completely insane. But her pictures are so gorgeous and the ocean so pretty and the camping amenities so complete (still got electricity, bathrooms, and running water!)...I thought, man, I could do that! It's just really weird. The desire to camp. But I keep thinking that it would be worth close to the water! So cheap! Dogs are allowed! Literally sleeping within earshot of the ocean! And if we took my parents along (which would be a requirement, since we probably couldn't figure out their camper without them), we'd still have plenty of help with the 'hard' parts of camping (cooking...wanting to play board/card games with more than 2 people...). So I checked out the state park's webpage and learned all about their camping stuff and the more I read, the more I want to go. I mean, it's only about 7 hours away from us. That's not terrible if we did a 4 day weekend or something. It would be super cheap. It's the Florida Gulf Coast, which is GORGEOUS...And could be fun! I feel like it would be fun.

But maybe I'm crazy. Maybe it would still be sweaty, stinky camping. More trouble than it was worth. I'm worried that I have on rose-colored glasses. That I can't see past the white beaches and clear blue water and wonderful breeze coming off the I don't know. What do you think? Given my history and my feelings, do you think I would actually like this? Have you ever been camping at the beach? Be sure to go check out that blogger's pictures before you vote. They are very compelling.

That's all, folks. Have a happy Friday and weekend! Maybe I'll get around to posting the rest of Fashion Week this weekend, but then again...maybe I'll go to the pool.


  1. We did too! We had a camper growing up and it was so fun! I've actually never done tent camping and am pretty sure I would hate it. I would be terrified of creepy crawlies all night as well as just the fact that I can't lock a door on the tent. It's not for me, but you might like it!

  2. Personally I'm not a camper, but if we were a mere 7 hours from such a beautiful location I think I could be persuaded! With your experience and your parents accommodations, you'd be crazy to pass up and opportunity to visit such a glorious beach. Honestly, I don't think I've ever seen camping look so appealing :-)

  3. I don't rough it by any means. If we camp it is in a camper with ac and running water or at least a bathroom close by! I think camping by the beach and such beautiful scenery would be hard to pass up!

  4. Going camping at a beach in Florida sounds fantastic!! Now if it were at a beach near me which would be close to Galveston, TX I would say NO WAY!! Our water is nasty brown yuck! It's still ok for just chilling out on the beach to get a tan but I'm not crazy about getting in that water lol

  5. I don't think I have ever, ever felt the urge to go camping, much to the dismay of my husband, so I can't really give you an unbiased opinion. But maybe, just maybe, it would be more enjoyable on a beach!

  6. I've been tent camping a few times as a kid and never enjoyed it. I haven't been in a camper before but I think if I ever go camping again, it will be with one. AC and public bathrooms please! Her pictures are pretty compelling though!

  7. Beach camping does sound more luxurious than regular camping. I say give it a try at least once before making up your mind. :) And ALWAYS go to the pool over spending the weekend blogging. ;)

  8. Is there a B&B nearby?!? I would maybe try it once but I guess it depends on how much you dislike camping. Don't be swayed just by the pretty pictures. Although they are definitely pretty amazing pictures!

  9. Umm, you need to pack up the camper and your camp-savvy parents and get to that beautiful beach TODAY! I showed Andrew the pictures and he said if we were staying any longer in Texas we'd drive 14 hours to camp there. We've camped on CA beaches, but the water is freezing and murky. CSB looks like paradise. So yes, you need to go there and you need to go now! Oh, it's also national doughnut day, so make sure you get a free doughnut on the way!

  10. I think camping on the beach would be fun! My biggest objection would be feeling sticky and gross but if you have access to a shower then I say go for it!

  11. I'm biased because I adore camping, in all of it's buggy, sweaty, dirty gloriousness. But I think you should do it! And even if you don't camp, you should still go to that beach, it's absolutely beautiful! It would make a really fun long weekend!

  12. Eric and I are really into camping, but you're right, we always go along with his parents because I can't be bothered to worry about things like food prep and all that drama. They have a permanent campsite out in the woods about 45 minutes from home and we just bring our little pop-up camper up there, but despite being convenient, it's not nearly as sexy as beach camping. I've known this was a thing, but there are like no beach campsites up here! It's such a disappointment! Maybe I'll talk them into a Florida road trip (which for me is closer to 17 hours). Those pictures were seriously envy-inducing.

  13. Stick with the camper for camping! You'll get gorgeous and breahtaking views in Me-hee-co!

    Camping always sounds fun... but once the smores are gone, the beer buzz has worn off and it's time to go to bed... that's when I remind myself I'll never go camping again! :)

  14. Let us know if you go! Camping is on our bucket list for the summer. We were thinking of going to one of north Florida's freshwater springs (manatees!) But the gulf would be awesome too. Which may seem brave with two small children but pretty much all "vacations" with kids are a lot of work so might as well go all out. ;)

  15. We tent camp, but with an air mattress at parks with showers and stuff, so its kind of like a cross. It is one of my absolute favorite things. We usually camp at the coast, which is also awesome.

  16. Hmmmm… I think I'm unique here. Camping at the beach doesn't sound fun at all to me. Granted, her pictures are lovely, but they don't show the bites from sand gnats, the creepy crabs, or the SAND IN YOUR TENT! Personally, I like sand on my feet and that's it. Therefore, beach camping is not for me. Regular in the woods camping sounds better… but hey, you won't know until you try it!

  17. I love camping!! have a great weekend :)

  18. I have never been camping. Oh well once in 8th grade our class took an 8th grade trip to Big Bend and we slept outside for one night. That was fun, but haven't been camping since. I am not a girly girl but for some reason the thought of camping is just not that appealing. So maybe I am a girly girl??

  19. My hubby always says we should go in tent camping. I much prefer the renting a cabin type of camping. I love to be outdoors and explore nature, but I also want to get a good night's sleep and be able to shower.

    I love the idea of going with the family! Maybe you and Matt could rent a camper of your own for the weekend?

  20. bah! I have never been camping, unless sleeping in the backyard in a tent counts :)

  21. My blog reading has been slacking so I just saw your post! I'm so glad I may have inspired you to come camping in Florida! It truly is such a beautiful place. Yes, there are bugs. But I get eaten alive by mosquitoes on my own back porch so what's wrong with a little no see-ums in the campground?! It's worth it to me to be in such a beautiful place. And if you're in a camper, that's even better. We had our a/c unit in the tent, an air mattress and our giant down comforter and we slept like babies! It is a lot of work packing and setting up for sure. But in comparison to other beach vacations, it's so much more wallet friendly! And the memories made are so worth it!! :-)


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