Tuesday, August 6, 2013

don't let the cuteness kill you

Like most self-respecting ladies in the Eastern Time Zone, I'm draaaaggin' a bit this morning. Three hours of Bachelorette finale-ing, not ending til 11 p.m.?? That's intense, but well worth it. It truly was the most dramatic finale ever (declares Erika, who has watched exactly 1 season of Bachelor and now 1 of Bachelorette and is obviously qualified to make such sweeping statements)!! Mollyanne and I have been Team Chris since around the talent show episode (the man rocked high heels and hula hoops and made it hilarious, so we loved him then and have been rooting him on ever since) so we were happy to see Des come around and make the right choice. Although a lot of people (via Twitter, my main source of Bachelorette information, of course) seem to think she was just trying to convince herself that she liked/loved Chris, I think she really did. I think once Brooks's luscious hair was out of the way (PS- hair wasn't looking so luscious during ATFR; neither was the sketchmo facial hair) she was able to clearly see that Chris was what she needed. So I'm happy with how it all shook down. And like every other woman on Earth, I'm thrilled with the choice of Juan Pablo as the next Bachelor. If any of you ladies are not currently attached, I would highly recommend auditioning for the next season...

SPEAKING of things that are ridiculously cute.

Baby animals!

Seems like the voting contingent of blog readers here are all in agreement about that one.

That's a lot of love for baby pandas!! But who can blame you? I've been known to kill hours watching the baby pandas romp around via the Atlanta Zoo's PandaCam (also, please pay attention to that URL if you happen to click over. Note that it's zooatlanta.org/1212/panda-cam... 1212...12/12...MY BIRTHDAY??!! This proves that the baby pandas love me the best and want to cuddle with me the most. BOOM!). Obviously my top choice is manatees, but baby pandas are a close second and I would welcome both to move into my backyard anytime. I think they'd be great habitat-mates. 

But I don't know what happened. Obviously I wasn't thinking clearly when I created this survey, as I left out a very important member of the Cutest Animals Ever family. Luckily, several of you called me out and wrote it in:

BABY ELEPHANTS! How could I have forgotten? I feel terrible. Baby elephants, manatees, and baby pandas...the trifecta of best animals ever, and here I've gone forgetting one of them. My deepest apologies to my fellow pachyderm enthusiasts. As penance, I will share an amazing video that another blogger shared yesterday. And that Mollyanne forced me to watch during Bachelorette commercials. It took a lot of convincing, let me tell ya.

Behold! The Cutest Video of The Cutest Baby Elephant Ever!

You are so welcome. Baby elephant, you are welcome in my backyard anytime. ANYTIME.

Relatedly: where can I post a job for a full-time elephant pooper-scooper? Guessing that's a job I'll be wanting to outsource...


  1. Another excuse to watch the elephant video! Wahoo! I hope the people are pleased. And we're going to need to come up with new reasons to see each other for the next 5 months.

  2. I am just going to hope Des and Chris last so I can eventually get over the trauma of the unexpected turn of events with the spoilers being wrong!!

  3. So here's the thing: I tried desperately to watch that season finale last night so I could join in social media discussions today, and failed miserably. I sat through the first hour, but couldn't make myself do it any longer. As much as I love reality TV, that is just one show I can't get into anymore. I'm ashamed, and a little saddened that I have nothing to contribute to this topic. I hope this doesn't change things between us. Can we still be friends?? :-)

  4. My favorite youtube videos are pandas doing somersaults. (That word is spelled dumb)

    How did I miss the animal poll??? And ew, aardvark.

  5. Eastern Time Zone is HARD!!!! I will go in with you on the pooper scooper, maybe we can get a two for one!

  6. For one terrifying moment I thought they were going to make Brooks the next Bachelor. But then JUAN PABLOOOOOOO! Holy moley, am I ever excited for that. As for Des and Chris... meh. I love Chris but I think she was just trying to make the best of the situation. I'll be pretty shocked if they last through the year. Frankly, I think he deserves better. How cute was he with the dried roses in the frame?!

  7. Don't you think that if your backyard magically adapted to having baby elephants romping around in it, there would also be a magical way to deal with the poop? (Although you might have to share your new pool!)

  8. I think Chris is what she needs (loving, stable life partner) but I am still worried that he is the rebound. Like she knows he was teh right one to pick because they are compatible blah blah blah. But in after teh final rose she looked like she was going to cry when Brook came on stage. So I am worried that its not real can't-live-without-you love between her and Chris.

  9. I can't wait for some Juan Pablo! :]

    Also, I'm sure you've already seen it but if you haven't, check out the sneezing baby panda. it's quality. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzRH3iTQPrk

  10. Omg baby elephants!!!! I want one! :)

  11. I really thought Brooks was gonna come back! I kept waiting and waiting.....and I love Chris so it's all good.

    But I REALLY love Juan Pablo so consider my night/life MADE when that was announced !!!

  12. The baby elephant video. SO CUTE. I am in love.

  13. I said baby pandas but totally baby elephants now that that is an option!! THEY ARE SO PRECIOUS!

  14. Uh, manatees, all these other girls BE CRAZY, MMMkay? First of all, you could ride them, in a fatty whale sort of way. Second, you can sing "Barbara Manatee" to them. Third, they like lettuce, so that's cheap, right? Fourth, standing by them will make anyone look Giselle skinny. Fifth, they are a manatee.

    BAM! *Drops microphone and walks away*


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