Tuesday, August 27, 2013

thanks...i think.

You know what I love? Compliments that...maybe aren't? You know what I mean? Like when someone says "you look like you feel better today!" You're like...ummm, thanks...apparently I looked like crap yesterday? That. I have three excellent compliment-maybes from the last three days. One of which is actually super awesome.

1. At church on Sunday I (was wearing a super cute outfit and) had on my favorite platform sandals. People who felt like commenting on my outfit/shoes had one of two "compliments": #1- (an ACTUAL compliment) 'You look cute!'/'Love those shoes!'...you know, something along those lines. Thanks! Thanks! #2- 'You're tall!' Ummm....yes? Thank you? I'm sorry? How is one supposed to respond to that! With an estimate of.my newly enhanced height? (guessing 5'10ish?) To be sure, I think that the 'you're tall!' thing is a totally normal reaction because it probably IS the most notable thing, and maybe they never even looked down to see that the new height is due to SHOES and not, say, a 30-year-old GROWTH SPURT, but still. It makes me laugh every time. What if it hadn't been shoes? What if I actually had GROWN THAT MUCH IN A WEEK? I mean...I would probably be pretty self-conscious about it, so thanks for pointing it out!! Haha. Okay.

2. This morning in the kitchen I noticed Matt's outfit clothes (he always hates if I call his clothes an outfit. Weird boy.) and said 'You look nice, I like your clothes today.' It was a shirt and pants he doesn't normally wear together and it looked nice, so, there ya have it. He thanked me and then returned the compliment by saying "You look really comfy!" and I just had to die laughing. I mean, I was wearing my work clothes...so indicating that they look comfy makes me feel like I just threw on some sweats or something. And let's be honest-- today's clothes involve actual waistbands and zippers, so I feel like that should count for something! Yesterday's Duggar-esque maxi skirt was a lot comfier. But anyway. I was dying laughing while Matt re-evaluated his words and redelivered the compliment in a way that sounded a little more complimentary.

3. Yesterday I was wearing this necklace. And please note that the picture is not from yesterday, but from Fashion Week, which is why I am looking so ridiculously faux-dramatic. It was just the best picture of the necklace I could find. Don't judge me.
Anyway, this is far from the first time I've worn this necklace (it's in regular rotation), but for some reason TWO different people made the same bizarre-to-me comment about it. "Have you read/seen Harry Potter?", they started. This is always a terrible question for me because I have to admit that I have not (well, I watched the first few movies when they first came out but I fell asleep halfway through and don't remember anything, so I'm not sure it counts) YET read/seen them. And that's just embarrassing because like, duh. Who doesn't love HP? Especially someone who likes to read as much as me? And I really have no good excuses for my delinquency and I keep saying that someday I will get around to it, but whatever. Hasn't happened yet. SO when these co-workers ask that and I say 'no,' then they're slightly disappointed but went on to explain that there's something (with some long made up name that I don't remember) in the HP books that apparently looks like my necklace and they like STEAL PEOPLE'S SOULS or something. A soul-stealing necklace? That's pretty awesome. So apparently every time I've worn this necklace, people are reminded of this HP thing. And not having read the book, I'm not sure whether this soul-stealing necklace is a bad thing or a good thing, but for my personal, everyday life, I'm calling it a win. Wearing a necklace full of stolen souls sounds pretty badass and since I didn't do the triathlon, I'm still looking for something to qualify me as a badass...so maybe this will be it. Erika: She didn't run a triathlon, but she will wear your soul in her necklace. That should get me some fresh respect, right? Exactly.

On a completely unrelated note, I would like to give a big shout-out to my new friend 2DogNight over at The Grand Science Experiment. Homegirl took the bull by the horns and MAILED me a book that she absolutely knew I would love to take to the beach!!

It totally made my day to arrive home to such a fun surprise yesterday afternoon!! In addition to Rules of Civility, which I am pumped to read, there was a sweet hand-written note. Doesn't she have beautiful handwriting? It's nice to see someone else who prefers to write in cursive. Sometimes I feel like I'm all alone in the world, doing my thing in cursive...but alas, I am not! Anyway-- many thanks to her for braving the post office and making my day!!  

'Aight. Any particularly awesome 'compliment-but-not' stories? My first two were pretty lame...I feel like you can do better (although you probably can't beat having a soul-stealing necklace). Pregnancy-related ones are welcomed...I feel like pregnant people are ripe picking for pseudo-compliments, and today I feel like I can hear these stories without crying, so let 'em rip!


  1. I keep getting, "your skin is really clearing up!" How bad did it look before?

  2. Dave is the best at (not) compliments. My favourite one ever is when he told me (as I was wearing my purple, down, winter jacket) "You look like a plump grape." My friend who was standing next to me laughed so hard she couldn't breathe.

    And I can't think of any other good ones right now so I will keep thinking today and maybe chime back in...

  3. I don't think this is quite a compliment-but-not, but! After years years of infertility I am finally pregnant and people (near strangers) keep asking me, "Oh, was it planned?" Um, yes, very much so! That's why I gave myself all those shots! Also, none of your business!

  4. Can't really say this is a compliment, but I have a friend who is always commenting on my frappuccino addiction, and once she asked, based on the fact that I have them so frequently, "How do you not weigh 800 pounds?!" Thanks for saying I'm not fat but also implying that my diet is terrible and I SHOULD be fat, all in one rhetorical question!

  5. @Anonymous above-- UGH!!! Definitely in the category of NOT AN APPROPRIATE COMMENT!! I'm proud of you if you manage to not make a really sarcastic "no, I just gave myself shots every day for a year, spent $10,000, and let doctors shove crap up my hoo-ha every week...but I had NO IDEA THIS WOULD HAPPEN!!!!"

  6. Hmm, I am a huge HP fan, but I cannot for the life of me remember this "soul-stealing necklace." Unless it was the horcrux, in which case it didn't actually steal your soul, but you place a part of your soul into it. (Yes, it sounds weird, but it makes sense in the books. Also, I highly suggest you read them. I am planning on reading them again this fall.)

  7. @sloandefyinggravity- YES! Horcrux was what they said. So apparently I misinterpreted how the soul got into the necklace...but in my ignorance, I'm going to keep thinking that my necklace is full of STOLEN souls because that just seems more awesome!

  8. If I have a HP book delivered to your house, THEN will you read it?! What if I include a nice note? And would it matter if the book is a loaner from a friend or library? What if we read them together, bc it's been a couple years for me and I'm about ready to read them again?

  9. no good compliment stories that i can think of...i must not get enough compliments. haha. but regardless, you NEED to read harry potter. obviously half of the world has probably told you this but it really is worth it!

  10. Your friend really does have nice handwriting! I almost said something about it on Instagram last night--very pretty!

    I think we're going to have to start a Harry Potter book club...we may be the last people on the planet who haven't read them. It's not because I don't want to, I just haven't taken the opportunity to do so. I don't really have a good excuse for it. Kind of like the Hunger Game series. It took me forever to get around to reading those, and then once I started, I couldn't stop.

    Please let us know how you like your new book! I'm always looking for good book recommendations!

  11. I agree, having a soul-stealing necklace sounds pretty bad-ass to me too! And how sweet of her to send you the book!I love our little blogging world.

    oh, and I am all about the cursive too :)

  12. Ha! Horcruxes! Girl, this makes you EVIL, not badass. It still kills me... I can bring all 7 hardbacks over before you leave on Thursday. Then you would at least be in the know!

    Sam gets the "you're tall" comment all the time. His reply kind of cracks me up: "yes I am"... that's it, no explanation, no actual height. Or if he's really in the mood to be a smartass, he says "thank you". If people ask if he ever played basketball (so, like everyday), he says "nope, I was a jockey though". Can't take him anywhere!

  13. Haha love matt's compliment! I can't think of any at the moment hmmm.. Your necklace definitely looks HP related! I'd take it as a good thing since so many people love HP. You should totally read it - I don't think you'll be disappointed :) My cursive skills still look how they did when I learned it in 3rd grade :( I wish it was prettier.

  14. Lately, people are always telling me how Maine looks like us. They try so desperately to find something..."his eyes...sort of looks like yours..uh..maybe his lips...." uh, news flash people, he doesn't look ANYTHING like us, because he's adopted. And he's mixed race, unlike our white Irish/French selves, and we do not feel like we need to "Pretend" that he looks anything like us.

    I totally don't understand it.

  15. there is no other respectable response to this post besides: GO READ HARRY POTTER NOW!

  16. I feel like I hear a lot of these as well. On a different note how about one that starts as a compliment but by the time they finish it is certainly not. Like, over the weekend I was told my hair looked like Monica on Friends...(okay I can deal) but then they said "the ones in Barbados" eek!!

  17. I''m pretty sure I give a weird stare to people who faux-compliment me. And probably shake my head.
    As for your necklace...the only thing I can remember it looking like is one of two things: a time-turner (let's you go back in time) or a horcrux (you can split your soul between multiple so that you don't completely die if someone kills you. That's all I'll say there so as not to ruin anything.) oh, and if you really do want to give HP a try, I'd say read the books first. Better than the movies, though I actually enjoy the movies too. They actually tell the story from the books without adding to the story and only leaving out that which enhances but isn't necessary to keep it true to book but not making a 7 hour movie every time.

  18. I think it's special when people just say, "You got your hair cut!" rather than, "Your haircut is cute!" I'm just going to start stating observations rather than giving compliments. "Your shirt is green!" "Your hair is short!"

  19. When you teach middle school you get some jem "complements"... one of personal favs was stated this spring when a student commented on my pregnancy by saying..
    "Your stomach is growing, actually correction your uterus is growing."

    I said..."Thanks, I do not think anyone has complemented my uterus before."

  20. I had a guy at work tell me I looked like I got hit by a bus and then asked me out a few weeks later, um NO. people need filters!

  21. My grandma was the best at saying things she meant to be nice, that were actually horrible. I'm rather short and a little fluffy. She once described me as her granddaughter, yeah the really short one. And another time called me when I had the flu and told me getting sick would be a great start to a diet for me!

  22. Can I just say that it is hilarious that Matt doesn't let you call his outfits 'outfits'!!??

  23. I get used to my middle school students "complimenting" me like that, but I still have a hard time with adults saying things like that. Do they not hear themselves??

    And I laughed pretty hard at your dementor necklace. I would have never thought about that until you pointed it out. Ha!

  24. Laughing at this!!!

    When I turned 30 I decided to grow up and buy some nice makeup. I went to Sephora and actually had a makeup lady work with me and bought ALL new stuff. Well several days later at church I had MANY people say "you look awesome" or "your makeup looks so nice" etc etc. UM HOW BAD DID IT LOOK BEFORE???

  25. I just finished rereading the Harry Potter books and it took me a while to realize what necklace you were talking about... which makes me question my reading comprehension! :) You definitely cannot judge the books based off of the movies... my husband and I both read them and then thought it would be fun to watch the movies together. AWFUL IDEA. We only made it through the first two movies because THEY ARE HORRIBLE. I've heard they get better as they go along, but the books are so fantastic, especially compared to the movies.

    As far as the compliments go, my boss was the worst at saying stuff during my pregnancy. I'll never forget when I wasn't very far along (maybe 14 weeks? more of a food belly than a real bump) and I was coming back into the office after lunch. He stopped me and said, "Abby, can you turn sideways?" After I did he loudly proclaimed, "YEP! You're definitely pregnant!" Men!

  26. The tall thing is totally something I would say. I always say dumb things like that! That's why my friends have to also be people who put their foots in their mouths regularly. And really forgiving, ha!!!!

  27. Being tall as well, I've always gotten "did you used to play basketball?" Because it seems that basketball is the only possible thing I could ever have done as a tall person in high school. ;) (p.s. I'm not a fan of basketball).

  28. I'm with everyone else - definitely read HP! I'm such a Potterhead. I hyperventilated in the movie theater when the last one ended.... for real. And I'm with the middle school teachers above. One of my kids once told me, "You should, like, wear make-up and do your hair one day." I had done my hair AND worn make-up on this particular day...


I love comments almost as much as I love Mexican food. Seriously.