Our weekend started off in the best way possible: a phone call from a friend with an invitation to dinner. Is there truly anything better than someone else offering to cook, asking only for your presence at the dinner table? I think that there is not. So Matt, Lola, and I trucked over (or Civic-ed over, as it were) to The Gurleys for a night of poppyseed chicken and dominoes. As I told the cashier at Target (when I bought the dominoes)...there's nothing quite like playing dominoes for fun to convince you that you're ready for retirement. I mean, seriously. It's impossible to feel young and hip when you're busting out the dominoes on a Friday night. But anyway, I digress. To accompany our rockin' game of dominoes, Jonathon and Mollyanne located an all 90s music channel on TV (you know, those stations that play music...how high tech). So it was great fun hearing all these songs from middle and high school. Lots of them I recognized, many I did not...but by far the WORST song with the BEST title was "Gypsy Woman (Sh
e's Homeless)," by Crystal Waters. Horribly annoying song....but great title for a blog post, no? Anyway, while the grown-ups played dominoes our children rekindled their friendship by sharing water, playing outside, and sniffing lots of butts (let's just be honest). Lola and Scarlett are super cute because they look like a mother and daughter...both black lab mixes with purple collars. Scarlett is definitely the motherly figure, though, being the larger of the two and much more cautious than that silly puppy Lola. She warmed up to Lola, though, and they had a good time.
Here's my "artistic" shot of my dominoes/Jonathon plotting our demise.
Mollyanne is also quite a serious player. Nothing short of her A-game will do!
So anyway, we had a good time Friday night. We can't be that old and boring because we did play dominoes until well after 11pm-- who do you know at the retirement home that can stay awake THAT late?! Saturday morning we slept in, then embarked upon the Great Bathroom Makeover of 2009-- more details and photos to come on that in a future post. It warmed up somewhat during the afternoon so we took Lola to the I-fields dogpark (our favorite). She played SO hard that she's been asleep pretty much ever since then (we're going on 24 hours here)! Although it just occured to me that everyone else in the world might not like picture of my dog as much as I do...I'm posting them anyway. You can always scroll past them and not admire every single teeny cute detail, I'll never know the difference!
This is how every interaction with other dogs begins: with Lola proving that she is THE most submissive dog on the planet!

Mom and Dad look on proudly as their daughter plays like a champ.
And just FYI...if you think I'm lame now, with my daily updates and photo shoots of my DOG... you have no idea what you're in for when I am with (human) child. You will discover new depths of lamesness you never thought possible. And I'm not even saying once the child gets here. This is going to start the minute I see a positive sign on the pregnancy test. Prepare yourself for an information and picture overload. :) You can consider yourself warned!!
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