Wednesday, February 11, 2015

dreaming big

A few unrelated thoughts for your Wednesday afternoon...

1. The other night I had this awesome dream (and here's where everyone stops reading because other people's dreams are never as exciting as they seem to think they are...) that I was a bridesmaid in a wedding. But that wasn't the awesome part. The awesome part was that our flower bouquets were MADE OUT OF COTTON CANDY. The cotton candy was all artsy and swirled to look like huge, beautiful hydrangeas. It was really stunning. And I spent the whole ceremony debating whether anyone would notice if I started eating my bouquet. I'm a classy 'maid like that!! Anyway, obviously this is a vision for the new business I should start, combining my love of flowers with my passion for cotton candy. But then I Googled it and someone is already doing this, so wah. I hate it when other people beat me to my greatest ideas.

2. This girl:                                      


I don't really have anything to add to this picture, other than omgiwanttoeatherup. Oh, and you know how last week I said I was looking forward to her learning to lift her arms up when she wanted to be picked up? She's starting to do it already!! And it's just as precious as I'd imagined.

3. We're trying to buy a new (to us) car. We finally know what we want (a Mazda5, preferably a 2010 or 2012) and are working on finding one and getting there to buy it before someone else does...which is what's been happening each time we find one so far. We're not in an actual rush or crisis, thankfully, so it's not that big a deal...but I'd like to be done already. Car shopping is NOT my favorite. Anyway, so last night Matt found the perfect one at the perfect price with the perfect mileage and the perfect color and had me all gung-ho about it...until he mentioned that the car is at a dealership in Connecticut. Ummm...yeah, no? We happen to live in, oh, Georgia. Approximately five billion miles away from Connecticut, a place that is probably buried under 25 feet of snow as we speak. But Matt has it in his head that he can just fly to CT on Sunday, catch a train to the town where the dealership is (like an hour from the airport), get the car, and drive it back on Monday (President's Day, a work holiday for him). He found cheap plane tickets and since the car is a few thousand less than similar cars are here...he thinks it's the best plan ever. I vote NO. So what I need is for some of you New Englandy people to speak up and tell me how much snow there is right now and how this is an insane plan that would never pan out. Plus, by the time he gets there, the car will probably be sold. 

I guess it must be a slow day/week/month...I have basically NOTHING worth talking about (that doesn't involve a certain tiny Nuglet...but surely folks get tired of hearing about her eventually). I guess this means that I should start working on my cotton candy flower business...that would definitely give me something to talk about!! Hope you're having a great week! 


  1. My husband was the same way about our new to us car--wanting to drive all over kingdom come to get the perfect car. I was adamantly against it. We luckily found one only about 2 hours away. Despite my initial misgivings and because I won't be the one left alone with a small baby, I say yes, get the good deal and your husband can have an adventure. I do think it's supposed to be stupid cold up there this weekend (I'm in NC, so I haven't been following closely, but I have people as far north as NYC where the high on Sunday is supposed to be 13); I'm not sure about snow. Good luck!

  2. Be careful of cars from the north... snow and salt is not good for cars. I'm from NY originally and I brought my car down to GA/Fl back during college and after... Well it was an older car, but one day I was driving to work and I couldn't stop.. Thankfully the lights were green and I was able to turn into my parking lot area and come to a stop.. Turns out the brake line was rusted out from all the salt and had eroded it. So make sure you have it checked out. I wouldn't buy a car from a snowy place again!

  3. Also, beware of scammers and/or Craigslist killers.

  4. I agree with Jen - our cars don't last long up here in the north. The salt just eats right through them. What you might be saving will end up costing in the long run if it hasn't been properly looked after.

    1. This is such a great point!! Thanks to both of you- I will definitely remind Matt about these things...maybe it will jar him back into reality!! :)

  5. While I can testify that if one takes care of their car the salt is not as deadly as mentioned. However, a new storm is coming in Sunday so this weekend is not a great idea. While we have a ton of snow, when it's not snowing the roads are certainly drivable. I live outside of Boston so you know I'm not talking out of my ass.

    1. Ack- I've seen how awful Boston is!!! I can't imagine yall getting even MORE!!

    2. It's a little crazy. I'm from California, but getting accustomed to this nonsense. I've been meaning to say my daughter has the same doll Millie does and at 3 she still sleeps with it. It's precious.

    3. Aww that is so sweet!!! I always wonder which of Millie's toys she'll get attached to and we'll be seeing for the next few years!

  6. We will never get tired of seeing or hearing about sweet Millie!! Her cutie pie pictures warm my heart :) Wow it sounds like Matt has really thought about this car thing! haha I mean I say just let him go for it!

  7. We drove 5 hours and two states away to buy my car (used) because it was just what we were looking for and the right price. He isn't crazy. :)

  8. I vote no on the car plan. Salt, like others have mentioned, plus hassle, gas, time, how you will resolve problems if you have them with the car being from so far away. We're Car.Max people. You will never get a great deal, but you will get a reasonable deal, you know what you're getting, they have a guarantee, and they can ship cars from sister locations to your location. We've bought two gently used cars from them and been happy.

  9. I am just laughing because Tim and Janice own a Mazda 5 and we have decided that our next new car will be a Mazda 5. So good choice!

    Also, I think Matt's plan sounds like a grand adventure but I am sure that a good deal will come up MUCH closer to you. And I would worry about Matt driving back in winter weather if he's not experienced with it.

  10. No comment on the car situation. Just had to say I LOVE the baby reaching up to picked up milestone. I mean I know it isn't a real milestone. But it should be. It's my favorite!! Way to go Millie!!

  11. Cotton candy bouquets are a thing?! If I can't convince any of my friends to do that when they get married, I'm totally doing it! Bride can do whatever she wants on the wedding day right?! Including eating cotton candy in between vows :P

    I have a Mazda3 and really like it! I have family in New England and I really don't think it's a good time to be visiting!! My cousin has worked from home for the past week because she's like theres no where to put all the snow now so everyone is stuck!!!

  12. I can't believe that no one has mentioned that Connecticut is the BEST STATE IN THE WORLD! If I could live anywhere, it would be Washington or Connecticut. It's probably not that that beautiful buried under snow, but it is awesomely gorgeous, jaw-dropping green when it's not. That's all I have to add to this discussion. NOT HELPFUL.

  13. #1 If we were in the same wedding you could have my bouquet. Yucky!!!
    #2 oh my word! There's more cuteness in that picture for the eyes to behold!
    #3 If you come to Connecitcut you better see me! NY is wayyyy closer to CT then it is to GA! Don't be afraid of the salt eating cars stuff you've read. I've only lived in the north and driven many, many current Toyota has 150k with no visible salt wear. I don't wash it a ton in the winter because it just keeps snowing and they just keep salting the roads. So, we cannot say it's from meticulous upkeep.

  14. Well, now that I'm a resident of CT, YOU should come instead of Matt!! No offense, Matt :). But forewarn him- they're talking about more snow this weekend... He might get stuck here!

  15. Are you serious? Our Mazda 5 is the best. car. ever. It's like the best things about a car and a minivan together. You will love everything about it.

  16. Matt's plan totally sounds like something Wade would do... men and cars!

  17. I find it kind of funny that you added the labels of "food" and "gardening" to this post. Like a cotton candy bouquet falls under "gardening". Lol. If only I could grow cotton candy. I might actually get more excited about gardening.

    1. I count THINKING about flowers as gardening, so...dreaming about cotton candy bouquets totally counts!!! ;)

  18. Agree with Allison - Brandon would TOTALLY do something like this. . .

    My aunt and uncle live in CT (we go every year) and she has been emailing me everyday about the awful storms and snow. They are getting slammed!! I would never be brave enough to drive a car home from up north!!

    OK. . . and I don't even know what a Mazda 5 is. . . I know nothing about cars. Going to google now b/c I am intrigued . . . :)

  19. 1) Sorry for my belated response... work, babies.. you know the drill
    2) Where in CT - we live in Southern CT and the snow is not that bad.
    3) Salt Thing - totally not as bad as you think, I have lived in CT for 33 years and our cars are FINE
    4) If he does go let me know he needs ANYTHING!
    5) Milla is adorable... how do you not eat her?

  20. Cotton candy bouquets??? That's a thing. I was going to tell you that was a terrible idea, but apparently it already exists, so who am I to say. I just imagine everyone with really sticky fingers... pink and blue sugar stains all over satin and silk.

    Also, Matt... WOW! That's dedication. I don't know if I'd drive to South Carolina for a car. But since Aubrey's in connceticut, I say go for it and make it a family vacation. Oh, except you have to work on Monday... maybe Matt can meet Aubrey. Blog dates are so Matt's thing.

  21. Speaking of cotton candy, when we took Drew to see Frozen on Ice, I might or might not have eaten more than my half and dipped into his 'half'. Freaking LOVE that stuff.

  22. bad news my friend. Remember last week when I was 'lalala-Ing'? Well, I live in Connecticut. And we are buried in snow AND they are calling for 6ish more inches sat into Sunday with a high of 20 on Sunday and a low of -2. Sorry friend. I wanted to lie to you so you would come to CT and visit ME! But I couldn't do it. I like you too much!!

  23. Power of I'm craving cotton candy! Congrats in getting a new car. Hope u find the perfect one soon.

  24. That sounds like an amazing dream. Seriously.


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