After the meet and sitting in traffic for like an hour, I re-joined my husby and we spent the evening at his parents' house. Two uncles were visiting from out of town (Pennsylvania and Florida) so it was cause for a get-together. We enjoyed dinner and then I took the liberty of beating not one Mr. Bates, not two Mr. Bateses, but THREE Mr. Bateses at Wii Bowling. The entire older generation! And I've beat Matt many a time before, so let's just count that as all 4 Bates menfolk. There was some serious domination going on, and more than just a few tears. After my last winning game, though, Mom Bates wanted her chance to uphold her generation's bowling reputation. I was pretty tired and sore from my 3 intense games (seriously, when you're this out of shape, Wii Bowling can do you in), so I didn't play my best game and I let her win. May the record state, though, that her winning score from that game was lower than my lowest scores in any of my winning games. And I promise I'm not just a sore loser. :)
Action shot of me bowling as Dad B. contemplates his impending doom.
Me, Dad B., Uncle David, and Uncle Terry.
Sunday morning we enjoyed spending time with God and friends at Vineyard. We had post-church lunch plans to meet back up with Matt's family for another meal before the uncles left town again. We were super excited when, near the end of church, the raindrops on the metal roof turned into something a bit louder and more distinct-- ice!! We left church to drive to the restaurant as it sleeted, and we received text messages from friends driving through Atlanta telling us they were in a blizzard and it was coming our way!!! Like any other person who has spent the entirety of their life in Georgia, I get really excited at the prospect of snow. It is equal parts excitement due to the actual snow itself and then the chance of school and life shutting down for a time. Midway through lunch, the sleet had turned to big ol' snowflakes, much to the delight of everyone at Rafferty's! Everyone was cheering and staring out the windows. We finished up quickly so that we could drive home before the roads got too treacherous.

I took TONS of pictures, but to be honest, posting pictures on here drives me crazy!! Maybe I'm just an amateur blogger, but every time I put up a picture it makes all these weird spaces elsewhere in the post and I have to re-center and re-left and re-size my text...it's a pain. Maybe I'm doing it wrong, or maybe other people are just way more patient than me. Anyway, they announced last night that schools were closed (YAAAAAAY for me!) and we figured Matt's bank would be delayed at the very least. Lots of people had lost power and ours had been flickering off and on all day, so we spent the evening with candles lit and flashlights nearby in case it went out for good (it didn't). We slept in our guest room...due to all the snow and ice, trees and limbs were falling left and right. Since the two trees in front of our house had already fallen down (sad), there was nothing left to threaten our roof. The back of the house, though, is surrounded by tall tall trees and we'd already spent the night listening to them crack and crash down (timberrrrrr!)...Matt figured we'd be safer in the front room. If a tree did happen to crash through our roof, it would most likely end up in the bedroom where we normally sleep. That thought doesn't help a girl sleep peacefully, so the guest room it was. As it turned out, nothing crashed into us, but there were a TON of branches down in our yard this morning!

i love the doggie footprints! a tree actually fell on my parents' house last fall, on the room that my mom uses as her piano studio. fortunately, she wasn't teaching lessons at the time. thank goodness for homeowner's insurance! glad nothing fell on your place!
ReplyDeleteI too thought the footprint picture was great. And going back to your comments about the meet, I was looking at the same camera as you so how could I notice your bangs?
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm pretty sure you were just relieved I didn't throw up on/near you, or have to try to miss all the people in close proximity to us or try to explain it afterward. =) Great post!