Saturday, February 9, 2008


We bought these 10-for-10 passes to support a fundraiser at Wesley-- 10 gym visits for $10. We each got one. We've been contemplating joining a gym, and figured this would be a good way to get a good trial run. Tonight we went for our second time. In general, I hate gyms. They smell bad, sweaty people are everywhere, I don't like gym clothes, I don't like comparing myself to other cuter girls in gym get it.'s a somewhat necessary evil. I can't bank on good metabolism getting me through the rest of my life. So anyway...we just got back, and I am actually really proud of myself!! I parked myself on an elliptical machine conveniently located in front of two TVs-- one on Fox News (24/7 drama) and one on Bravo. Guess which TV I tuned into. It was great catching up on some Project Runway. Best part: Over an hour passed (and 600 calories burned!) and I barely noticed!!! Yippee!! I had no idea I could go for that long. I guess being TV-deprived will do that to ya. turn in the shower. Lata.

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